10 Tips For Staying At Hostel For The First Time..

Mohammed Shahal
OSM Cult’s Social Newsroom
3 min readAug 11, 2016

1. Get to know the place

Put your stuff in your room and take a minute to take in your surroundings. Is the bed comfortable? Are there other people in your room? Where do the seniors stay? Walk around the hostel and get to know the common areas.

2. Choose your room wisely

Are you a studious kinda person? Then you need to take up a room that’s far away from common areas. Are you outdoorsy? Pick up a room near the open areas or one in which the windows are positioned right in front of sports ground or canteen / mess so that you can race out of your room whenever you see a social opportunity.

3. Pick a bottom bunk

Try to get a bottom bunk bed if you’re given an option to choose. They’re much easier to get in and out of and provide a more comfortable space for you to settle into. Plus nobody wants to go climb up after a few beers!

4. Take a sleep sheet

A sleep sheet is two sheets sewn together to make a self-contained sleep sack — most people have used a double sheet and simply sewed up the bottom. After a long, exhausting day, who doesn’t want a comfortable sleep?

5. Bring the extras

Buckets, mugs, iron box, hangers etc. are not necessarily provided in hostels. It’s always good to know before you start your stay and make the necessary purchases.

6. Bring earplugs

How can you study or sleep when a party is going on in one of your neighbouring rooms? Of course, there’s a very less chance that you’d want to ask them to tone it down, but even if you do plan to tell them there’s no guarantee that they’ll stop their party because of one outsider who want to sleep or study.

7. Be weather-ready

In case it’ll take more than six months for you to go back home once your college starts, make sure to pack in your rain jackets, blankets, sweaters, sweatshirts as well. No one likes to shiver and fall ill.

8. Valuables

Never ever leave your money, passport and other valuables laying around in your room. Keep them safely locked in inside your wardrobe or drawer.

9. Don’t be shy!

You will usually always find people talking, playing games, facebook-ing etc. Most of the hostellers would be more than happy to have a stranger come into their lives. Who knows, you could be study buddies, gym buddies, smoking buddies and what-not buddies?

10.Relax and enjoy the ride!

Marks are not the only thing that helps you succeed in life. It’s the people around you — who help clear your doubts, who motivate you, who stand by you in the thick and thin. After graduating, there’s no guarantee that you’ll remember your marks or percentages, but you will always cherish the happy memories of your hostel life.

