Mohammed Shahal
OSM Cult’s Social Newsroom
3 min readSep 5, 2016


The 5 Secrets to Get Selected for OSM Cult’s Part-Time / Event Jobs

Have you noticed the 5 golden-yellow stars on top of your profile in Ever wondered what it’s for and why you can’t click/edit it?

(How my profile looks in

Here’s the deal about their very existence and how they are a big part of our selection process

Those 5 stars are, in short, your rating. “But why do you rate us? What for?” you may ask. To answer that, let’s take you to our vision and thus our own existence.

OSM Cult started with the main vision of ‘Empowering the Youth’. And the way we’re doing so, as of now, is by providing college-going youngsters part-time jobs. In our small journey so far, we had successfully been able to do so and are continuing to do so, while at the same time pleasing our clients as well. And that was just the beginning. Then we thought “Now that we’re doing okay-ish in providing an osm experience to our beloved youngsters, how can we provide the same to our clients as well?” One fine night staring at the sky, pondering over this dilemma, the stars literally aligned taking form of the 5 stars you see in your profile. We call it the ‘Stars of osmness’. This osmness rating consists of the following 5 points with varying weightages:

The higher your rank in your osmness, the higher the chances of you getting selected for the jobs you apply for. In fact in some cases, we don’t even publish a few jobs on the website; we directly call the high ranking youngsters in our database and give them those jobs. Because they deserve it.

So here’re the ways you can increase your osmness rating:

1. Communication skills:

The more eloquent or the more fluent you communicate in English, the stronger is our soft-corner for you to give you a high rating. BTW, this aspect has the highest chunk of weightage in our osmness rating.

2. Punctuality and Genuineness

Being on time for the jobs and working genuinely, thus pleasing our clients pleases us as well. Thus, you soar higher in getting preferred for other jobs and we rate you higher.

3. OSM Experience

If you’ve worked through OSM Cult for more than 5 jobs without giving us and our clients any kind of troubles, it means that we love you from the bottom of our hearts. We prefer to give you more jobs, and thus you earn a higher rating.

4. Referrals: The more you refer your friends to sign up on, the more your chances of getting a higher rating.

5. Active Referrals: And finally, if your friends work with us for at least 3 jobs without creating any issues, you are the perfect ambassador for ‘OSM Cult’ and hence, you earn a higher rating.

So these are the secrets of getting selected for more jobs and thus earn more pocket money. If you liked it, please spread the word among your friends and be an osmly osm ambassador of OSM Cult.

