Osmosis Ministry of Marketing

Osmosis Community Updates
8 min readJan 12, 2022


OMM Lab Check #1 — January ‘22

Greetings, Osmosis Community!

First off, please grant us pardon for having kept you waiting to hear from us. For those of you who have just recently had the pleasure of discovering the Osmosis DEX a quick intro is in order.

On October 25th governance proposal #53 passed and the Osmosis Community Pool endowed it’s first seedling decentralized organization the Osmosis Ministry of Marketing 🧙‍♂️ “OMM” and so began this journey. It hasn’t been without a stumble or two as we find our stride and adjust to find the proper balance in coordinating with the foundation.

Like all great adventures this one started with a burst of energy which was channeled into brainstorming numerous ways to share the greatness of our AMM Laboratory with the world. Some realities set it in quickly though as we researched advertising channels, particularly around roadblocks presented by the uncertainty surrounding DAO’s in the existing legal landscape and what some platforms require.

As the initial euphoria tapered off we all needed to acclimate to operating in this new setting. Signers are all equal members but it has taken some time for roles and order to solidify as we began to execute.

In six weeks since formation we have already conducted 3 social media competitions, two of which were collaborations with other zones. These meme contests give the communities a chance to show off their creativity and have a bit of fun while also generating genuine engagement out in the cosmos. This organic content production has led to better metrics overall in comparison to something like a Coin Telegraph article about Osmosis ;)

Setting the memes aside the OMM also organized, in partnership with our sibling arm of Osmosis Support Lab, a physical presence at DeFi conference Dcentral in Miami to great effect. Getting out to more conferences to spread the word and meet other builders.

This is where the update gets a little awkward, we made a mistake in our proposal by failing to mention anything about OMM member compensation. The initial idea for the OMM to execute on had been to create a website to educate users about Osmosis, it quickly and successfully became much more than that. As the time commitment increased sharply from commissioning a website to traveling cross-country through the TSA & Covid hysteria to spend a couple of days in the middle of the work week promoting our zone. Let alone all the time and coordination required to prepare for those two valuable days. Some Ministry of Marketing members have taken a more hands-on approach and are contributing more than 20 hours a week.

We have settled on a resolution to the incentive gap that existed, but first, let us share with you items from our roadmap. The goal here is to be transparent by showcasing what we have been working on in addition to filling everyone in on some of the struggles we have run into.



Before communication channels got refined and streamlined the Ministry of Marketing had commissioned a website and by the time it was delivered we had come to realize there was going to be significant overlap in planned content with the awesome work the foundation did in delivering docs.osmosis.zone.

The MM does not need a standalone website to repeat what is already covered by the DOCS subdomain, especially seeing as we have nothing to promote internally. So instead we chose to realign our focus on enhancing the user experience when visiting Osmosis.zone with a premium landing page, rather than deliver a redundant or lackluster product.

The Vision

Upon the realization that the MM should be tackling the objective of directing the development and design of a “one-stop-shop” landing page for Osmosis.zone (see Terra.money as a reference). Chalabi was up to the challenge of leading the effort to deliver a landing page with a clean presentation which makes it simple to navigate to all things Osmosis related. The page should provide links to; relevant Osmosis blogs, news articles, community social channels, the web app, documentation, support, and podcasts/youtube content. We feel a number of these sections could warrant their own subdomains such as: support.osmosis.zone, docs.osmosis.zone, and blog.osmosis.zone.

Why subdomains? They are easier to navigate and show consistency with branding. The subpages should be built and submitted to the foundation for approval. An example of a community-designed website that was added to the osmosis.zone domain is the stats page designed by Imperator.

Chalabi will drive the effort to procure the dev talent to deliver on the vision for the landing page by way of :

  • Other Crypto oriented designer contacts
  • Fiverr
  • Osmosis Website designer contacts

Content Creation

Ministry members need to stay on top of the general happenings and content creation coming from the Osmosis community to recognize the Holy Spirit🧿 that propel us forward. As well as inform the community on our actions and create supporting content to raise brand awareness.

Blogs & News Content

Jeremy stepped up to the plate and will serve as the lead for news-related content. This will consist of updates posted to a Medium account through community member engagement under Jeremy’s direction.


  • Producer Jeremy
  • Team of 4–6 writers

Example of content:

Dcentral Article

In addition to articles covering events the MM attends, there is also engagements with graphic designers to create banners for social media posts and advertisements like for the Stargaze LBP.

Video Content

You might not have realized, but the Ministry’s work began before it even existed with the production of the Osmosis video with Coney Daddy which was featured on monitors at the Dcentral convention. We intend to continue to work with worlds premiere ambassador of the greatness of the coney dog🌭 to create entertaining short educational video form content about Osmosis. Through a connection made by DynamicManic, we are also in conversation with a Florida-based animation studio to explore an engagement to make 2D animated educational content that we could disseminate alongside those sweet Coney Daddy videos.

Updates From the Lab

The Ministry intends to support the growth of the amazing content that has sprung forth out of impromptu weekly updates and has grown into the Cosmos’s biggest alpha leak in Updates From the Lab. We’re planning on pursing Twitter ads and Brave push notification campaigns to build awareness for Updates as well as possible production of a more interview form one-on-one youtube series.

Social Media

As part of our social media push, we have been doing meme competitions. We partnered with BitCanna and had a nice turn out. Now we’ve partnered with Sentinel for the most recent competition. The goal here is to create some exposure on Twitter and use these competitions as a platform for announcements about network partners. A great way to utilize this in the future will be for when networks want to announce bonus rewards on a specific pool, we could run meme and art competitions to garner attention.

• 3rd Place, winning 4 $OSMO, https://twitter.com/Osmosis_MD/status/1458260048598028292

• 2nd Place, winning 20 $OSMO, https://twitter.com/Osmosis_MD/status/1458260044751933444

• 1st Place, winning a whopping 69 OSMO, https://twitter.com/Osmosis_MD/status/1458260042549841920

• The Second Meme Competition https://twitter.com/Osmosis_MD/status/1459957527886499840

  • The Third Meme Competition


• Apart from Twitter, a Social Media Manager post is being jointly funded with the Community Support DAO which will manage Osmosis pages across more mainstream sites such as Facebook and Instagram

OmniFlix Collaboration

Based on the original “Welcome to Osmosis” video by ConeyDaddy, a quiz style “What is Osmosis?” video is being developed with the chance to get a small reward in $OSMO based on correctly answered questions concerning the topics in the video.

Degen Score

Work has begun on a scoring system to see how mad a scientist you are!Are you Wosmongton himself or maybe just his cat?


An application has been made to be added to DeFi Pulse and we are awaiting listing.

Paid Advertising

We spent a lot of time looking into Google Ad’s only to found out it’s not a crypto-friendly platform and plunged us into the side quest of researching and eliciting legal advice on what sort of legal entity the Ministry constituted and the ensuing liability risks. The original intent had been to run a broad campaign with the Coney Daddy “What is Osmosis” video combined with shorter cut segment ads to compliment the longer form source content. But as should come as no surprise in todays world of increasing centralized technocratic control of information the paradigm shifting evolution to trustless decentralized systems and organizations does not neatly fit into our antiquated laws and legal frameworks.

Instead, we are in communication with a more web3 embracing platform in Brave who accepts payment in crypto, and brainstorming about the best price to performance for Coingecko advertising and Dextools/Mintscan banners relative to CPM or CPC pricing options.

We are also utilizing the OmniFlix Network to create an Osmosis interactive quiz with the Coney Daddy video where viewers will have to answer questions, and if they answer correctly, they will get rewarded in $OSMO (Just like the campaign they did with Sentinel a few months ago right before Osmosis launch party).

We are also exploring working with PR firms who have the proper licensing to enable us to run ads about Osmosis on Google and take a more mainstream route to advertising. Hopefully we can run Crypto.com-style ads starring Matt Damon alongside some of our marketing efforts that are directed toward the Osmosis community. Wosmongton at the super bowl??

Event Presence

As you may already know we attended Dcentralcon. We shook a lot of babies and kissed a lot of hands (wait I said that wrong XD). Overall, the experience was a net positive and we were treated very well by the event organizers.


- Taught hundreds of people how to make swaps on Osmosis

- Met a bunch of driven community members

- Met with other projects that could be potential value-adds to Osmosis

- We now have 200 individuals that are wearing Osmosis shirts

- Sunny got to speak to a large crowd about Osmosis

The best things we got out of Dcentralcon were the relationships we sparked with other projects and the potential for marketing also, being able to meet OMM & CSDAO members in person and share meaningful ideas through conversation instead of being stuck to telegram and zoom.

With Gravity Bridge on the horizon in 2022 the path for Ethereum based assets to migrate to the cosmos and into liquidity pools on Osmosis will be clear. The desire is to provide physical event presence at the most credible of Cosmos or Ethereum based conferences in the year ahead in collaboration with Foundation members presenting engagements.


Starting January 1st, the Ministry will begin paying its members for active contributions. Each member brings a unique skill-set to the table and therefore deserves to be compensated for their time spent. Until now, all work has been done pro-bono and no retroactive compensation will be delivered. Each member will receive a $3,000 monthly payment, as UST. For members going above and beyond, additional bonuses will be paid out. Bonus amounts will be decided on and paid out at the discretion of the OMM.

MM Q1 Budget (Draft)-

