Osmosis Zone Update Blog 2022/01/31

Osmosis Community Updates
5 min readJan 31, 2022


After thorough analysis, more Osmosis lab test results came back on January 31, 2022. Check out these new discoveries about News, Token Listings, Airdrops, and Liquidity Pool Incentives on Osmosis Zone.

Hot Topics

This week, we saw yet another proposal regarding External Incentives Matching, Osmosis Proposal #133. In addition, the community has also been discussing how to handle assets from multiple bridges. Please check out the Osmosis team’s perspective on the matter. To catch up on details of these discussions and the wider conversation surrounding incentives and the future of Osmosis please visit the Osmosis Commonwealth at gov.osmosis.zone and Osmosis Siberia at t.me/osmosissiberia.

Latest Token Listings

DSM — Desmos is blockchain which serves as the backbone to empower the development of user-centric social networks. DSM listed on Osmosis on January 13, 2022.

DIG — Dig Chain is a hub blockchain that coordinates the development of crypto-native real estate using geo-fenced chains that can comply with various local regulations. DIG listed on Osmosis on January 13, 2022.

Upcoming Token Listings

SOMM — Sommelier is a ‘co-processor’ for Ethereum that will allow users to execute complex and automated financial transactions, such as portfolio rebalancing, limit orders, batched orders.

CTK — CertiK is a leading security-focused ranking platform to analyze and monitor blockchain protocols and DeFi projects.

GRAV — Gravity Bridge is an Ethereum to Cosmos bridge, allowing Cosmos SDK projects to access ERC-20 assets via IBC, and create ERC-20 representations of Cosmos SDK assets.

INJ — Injective Protocol is a decentralized cross-chain derivatives exchange protocol.

ROWAN — Sifchain is an “omni-chain DEX”, which bridges liquidity from Ethereum with plans for bridges to other chains.

BAND — Band Protocol is a cross-chain data oracle platform that aggregates and connects real-world data and APIs to smart contracts.

Claimable Airdrops

SOMM — The SOMM airdrop for Osmosis LP has been distributed to OSMO addresses. As of this publication they are being displayed as “Unknown channel-165”.

STARS — Stargaze airdrop is for OSMO staking and LP now claimable. 60% of the airdrop is available initially, with the rest available upon the launch of their marketplace at the end of February. For more info, check out their article on the airdrop and token distribution.

Airdrop Announcements

CRAFT — Craft Economy, a blockchain enabled Minecraft server built by Chandra Station, will airdrop to OSMO stakers and liquidity providers, and ION holders.

Liquidity Mining Incentives

Liquidity Mining incentives are rewards for providing and bonding liquidity into into specific liquidity pools on Osmosis Zone. New pools are onboarded by signaling proposal, and incentives are adjusted each week in accordance with the “Semi-Automatic Incentive Adjustments Model” passed in Osmosis Proposal #13.

Semi-Automatic Adjustments Proposal

Osmosis Proposal #136 is currently in voting, and if passed will go into effect on February 3, 2022 after epoch.

This proposal will begin onboarding of new incentives for DIG pools as per Osmosis Proposal #130.

Also, matching of external DSM incentives will go into effect as per Osmosis Proposal #129.

  • 618 ATOM/DSM — 163*
  • 619 DSM/OSMO — 163*

Osmosis Proposal #135, passed on January 31, 2022, approves incentives for an OSMO/ROWAN pool, once one exists.

External Incentives

External Incentives are liquidity mining incentives that can be added by external parties. In addition, external incentives can be matched by Osmosis (as OSMO, at an equivalent value) under the External Incentives Matching Program passed in Osmosis Proposal #47.

New External Incentives

TICK — Microtick has added external incentives over 90 epochs, starting on January 24, 2022.

  • 547 ATOM/TICK total bonus 44,000 TICK

VDL — Vidulum has added external incentives for 100 epochs, starting on January 13, 2022.

  • 613 VDL/OSMO total bonus: 25,000 VDL

Current External Incentives

Pool — Epochs (days) remaining:

  • 497 JUNO/OSMO — 71*
  • 498 ATOM/JUNO — 71*
  • 547 ATOM/TICK — 82
  • 560 UST/OSMO — 66
  • 562 LUNA/UST — 66
  • 571 BCNA/OSMO — 85*
  • 572 ATOM/BCNA — 85*
  • 573 BTSG/OSMO — 57
  • 574 ATOM/BTSG — 57
  • 592 BTSG/UST — 57
  • 584 SCRT/OSMO — 27*
  • 585 SCRT/ATOM — 27*
  • 586 MED/OSMO — 37*
  • 587 ATOM/MED — 37*
  • 600 ATOM/CMDX — 33*
  • 601 CMDX/OSMO — 35*
  • 604 STARS/OSMO — 72*
  • 611 ATOM/STARS — 72*
  • 605 HUAHUA/OSMO — 163*
  • 606 ATOM/HUAHUA — 163*
  • 613 VDL/OSMO — 83
  • 602 CHEQ/OSMO — 25
  • 617 — ATOM/CHEQ — 25
  • 618 ATOM/DSM — 163*
  • 619 DSM/OSMO — 163*

*External incentives matched by OSMO incentives

External incentives for BTSG pools 573, 574, and 592 ran out last week but were refilled as per BitSong’s year long incentive program. The incentive match has also expired and has yet to be re-proposed.

Enter the laboratory at Osmosis.zone, the first decentralized exchange powered by the Cosmos SDK and IBC. See our published lab reports at the Osmosis blog, our bench notes at GitHub, and help plan future experiments in our Commonwealth

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