Osmosis Zone Update Blog 2022/12/02

After thorough analysis, more Osmosis lab test results came back on Decemeber 2, 2022. Check out these new discoveries about News, Token Listings, Airdrops, and Liquidity Pool Incentives on Osmosis Zone.

Osmosis Community Updates
5 min readDec 3, 2022


Hot Topics

Osmosis has a new support website. Launched by the Osmosis Support Lab, the support site contains answers to frequently asked questions, instructional videos on how to use Osmosis, and even a live chat widget that allows you to securely message an Osmosis support team member at any time of the day. Visit https://support.osmosis.zone/ for more information.

  • The Osmosis v13 upgrade is right around the corner. This upgrade includes stable-swaps, multi-hop discounts, and more.
  • The OMMv2 has been dissolved. Certain duties, such as this Update Blog, will be continued by the OSL. For more information, please check out the OMMv2 statement on Commonwealth.
  • On November 9, 2022, a new Osmosis frontend was released. If you notice any bugs or have any suggestions for improvement please fill out this form: https://tally.so/r/w4ar4r. The front-end design team will be reviewing all submissions and potentially reaching out to users to get more information.

To catch up on the details of and participate in the wider conversation surrounding the future of Osmosis please visit the Osmosis Commonwealth at gov.osmosis.zone , Osmosis Discord at discord.gg/osmosis, and Osmosis Siberia at t.me/osmosissiberia.

Latest Token Listings

SNIP-20 — ALTER, BUTT, SHD, SIENNA, and stkd-SCRT are now trading on Osmosis.

WBNB — the Axelar-bridged representation of wrapped BNB.

IST — IST is an over-collateralized stablecoin from Inter Protocol, built on Agoric.

stOSMO — stOSMO is the Stride representation of liquid staked OSMO

USK — USK is an over-collateralized stablecoin from Kujira.

Airdrop News

STRD — Stride airdrop is now claimable. Visit https://app.stride.zone/airdrop to claim your airdrop before it expires on approximately May 10, 2023.

NOM — The second Nomic airdrop will drop in part to OSMO stakers. A snapshot was taken on September 27, 2022. OSMO staked to validators in the top 20 by voting power are not eligible.

QCK — The Quicksilver launch was postponed. Further details will be available soon.

Liquidity Mining Incentives

Liquidity Mining incentives are rewards for providing and bonding liquidity into into specific liquidity pools on Osmosis Zone.

Osmosis Proposal #233, passed on May 23, 2022, implemented the current process for determining OSMO incentives.

Osmosis Proposal #368, the regular incentive adjustment, is currently in voting.

Osmosis Proposal #364 redirected a further 21% of Osmosis inflation allocated to Liquidity Incentives to the community pool to lower Osmosis inflation.

stOSMO — Osmosis Proposal #369, if passed, will add OSMO incentives for the stOSMO/OSMO pool.

  • 833 stOSMO/OSMO

WBNB — Osmosis Proposals #358, #359, and #360 onboarded incentives for the WBNB/OSMO pool and added WBNB to the list of of major assets receiving incentives.

Superfluid Staking

Superfluid staking allows users to stake their bonded LP tokens. This option is available to LP tokens for OSMO pairs that are bonded for 14 days. For more info, check out What is Superfluid Staking?

NGM — Osmosis Proposal #361 enabled superfluid staking for the NGM/OSMO pool

AXL — Osmosis Proposal #355 enabled superfluid staking for the AXL/OSMO pool.

External Incentives

External Incentives are liquidity mining incentives that can be added by external parties. In addition, external incentives can be matched by Osmosis (as OSMO, at an equivalent value) under the External Incentives Matching Program passed in Osmosis Proposal #47.

IST — Osmosis Proposal #365, if approved, adds matched OSMO incentives to the IST/OSMO pool.

LIKE — LikeCoin has added LIKE incentives to the LIKE/OSMO pool. Osmosis Proposal #352 add matching OSMO incentives.

GRAV — Osmosis Proposal #347 added external GRAV incentives to various GRAV and Gravity Bridge asset pools. Osmosis Proposal 350 added matching OSMO incentives to those pools.

  • 634 wETH.grv/OSMO
  • 818 USDT.grv/OSMO

STRD — Osmosis Proposal #329 added matched OSMO incentives to the ATOM/stATOM pool and the stSTARS/STARS pool.

  • 803 ATOM/stATOM
  • 810 stSTARS/STARS

Pool — Epochs (days) remaining:

  • 553 LIKE/OSMO — 129
  • 573 BTSG/OSMO — 22*
  • 574 ATOM/BTSG — 22
  • 602 CHEQ/OSMO — 4
  • 604 STARS/OSMO — 3
  • 611 ATOM/STARS — 3
  • 613 VDL/OSMO — 270
  • 617 ATOM/CHEQ — 4
  • 621 DIG/OSMO — 48
  • 625 GRAV/OSMO — 80
  • 633 USDC.grv/OSMO — 80
  • 634 WETH.grv/OSMO — 80
  • 662 CRBRUS/OSMO — 295
  • 722 EVMOS/OSMO — 47
  • 747 ECH/OSMO — 40
  • 777 ODIN/OSMO — 135
  • 778 GLTO/OSMO — 54
  • 787 GEO/OSMO — 66
  • 788 LUMEN/OSMO — 56
  • 790 GKEY/OSMO — 81
  • 793 seJUNO/OSMO — 23
  • 803 ATOM/stATOM — 13
  • 805 O9W/OSMO — 95
  • 806 STRD/OSMO — 29
  • 807 JUNO/seJUNO — 23
  • 808 SEASY/OSMO — 23
  • 810 stSTRT/STARS — 15
  • 813 REBUS/OSMO — 19
  • 816 TORI/OSMO — 69
  • 817 JUNO/stJUNO — 3
  • 818 USTD.grv/OSMO — 80
  • 826 LAMB/OSMO — 23
  • 832 JKL/OSMO — 144
  • 833 stOSMO/OSMO — 28
  • 836 IST/OSMO — 34

Expired Incentives

*External incentives matched by OSMO incentives

Enter the laboratory at Osmosis.zone, the first decentralized exchange powered by the Cosmos SDK and IBC. See our published lab reports at the Osmosis blog, our bench notes at Github and help plan future experiments in our Commonwealth

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