Osmosis Zone Update Blog 2022/18/08

After thorough analysis, more Osmosis lab test results came back on August 18, 2022. Check out these new discoveries about News, Token Listings, Airdrops, and Liquidity Pool Incentives on Osmosis Zone.

Osmosis Community Updates
5 min readAug 18, 2022


Hot Topics

Osmosis has a new support website. Launched by the Osmosis Support Lab, the support site contains answers to frequently asked questions, instructional videos on how to use Osmosis, and even a live chat widget that allows you to securely message an Osmosis support team member at any time of the day. Visit https://support.osmosis.zone/ for more information.

Osmosis Proposal #304, passed on August 10, 2022, increased the deposit needed to move goverance proposals into voting period from 500 to 1600 OSMO. Combined with the changes from the Osmosis v11 upgrade, this means that a 400 OSMO deposit is now required to put a proposal on chain.

The “Rektdrop” distribution began on August 17, 2022. The compensation for the v9 exploit will be automatically distributed to affected wallets. An estimation of the amount due can be found here: https://public.tableau.com/app/profile/osmosis.rektdrop/viz/Osmosisrektdrop/OsmosisRektdrop

To catch up on the details of and participate in the wider conversation surrounding the future of Osmosis please visit the Osmosis Commonwealth at gov.osmosis.zone , Osmosis Discord at discord.gg/osmosis, and Osmosis Siberia at t.me/osmosissiberia.

Latest Token Listings

ORAI — Oraichain is the world’s first intelligent and secure solution for emerging Web3, scalable Dapps, and decentralized AI.

CRE — Crescent is a Hybrid DEX : a hybrid system of orderbook and AMM, and spiritual successor to Emeris/Gravity DEX.

DOT and wGLMR — Osmosis Proposal #249 approved Axelar as the canonical Moonbeam bridge, allowing bridging of assets from the Polkadot ecosystem. DOT bridged from Moonbeam to Osmosis is labeled xcDOT.

GLTO — Gelotto is an “IBC” luck-based game platform built on Juno.

ODIN — Open Data Interoperable Network Protocol is a data oracle network based on an open protocol for interaction between participants and a sustainable economy.

TGRADE — Tgrade allows businesses to build “walled gardens” called Trusted Circles to meet the rules of the jurisdictions they operate in.

KUJI — Kujira is a defi lending and borrowing protocol formerly on Terra.

ETH — Axelar-bridged MKR, AAVE, UNI, SHIB, RAI, XCN, APE, AXS, and stETH are now available on Osmosis Frontier.

Upcoming Token Listings

CUDOS — The Cudos Network provides scalable distributed computing direct to smart contracts or to any bridged blockchain.

Liquidity Mining Incentives

Liquidity Mining incentives are rewards for providing and bonding liquidity into into specific liquidity pools on Osmosis Zone.

Osmosis Proposal #233, passed on May 23, 2022, implemented the current process for determining OSMO incentives.

The current categories and weights are:

  • OSMO/Major — 40%
  • OSMO/Stable — 30%
  • OSMO/Minor — 20%
  • Stable/Major — 5%
  • Stable/Stable — 0.01%
  • Others — 4.99% — Liquidity for Minor tokens paired with non-OSMO

Osmosis Proposal #308, the regular incentive adjustment, is currently in voting. There are no new pools onboarded in this proposal.

DOT — Osmosis Proposals #286, #287, and #288 added incentives for the DOT/OSMO pool and add DOT to the list of Major assets elligble for incentives.

LINK — Osmosis Proposal #295 added OSMO incentives to the LINK/OSMO pool.

INJ — Osmosis Proposal #294 added OSMO incentives to the INJ/OSMO pool.

Superfluid Staking

Superfluid staking allows users to stake their bonded LP tokens. This option is available to LP tokens for OSMO pairs that are bonded for 14 days. For more info, check out What is Superfluid Staking?

EEUR — Osmosis Proposal#282 enabled superfluid staking for the OSMO/EEUR pool.

External Incentives

External Incentives are liquidity mining incentives that can be added by external parties. In addition, external incentives can be matched by Osmosis (as OSMO, at an equivalent value) under the External Incentives Matching Program passed in Osmosis Proposal #47.

EVMOS — Evmos Proposal #39 added EVMOS incentives to the EVMOS/OSMO pool for 90 days.

Pool — Epochs (days) remaining:

  • 15 XPRT/OSMO — 3
  • 553 LIKE/OSMO — 55
  • 555 ATOM/LIKE — 55
  • 573 BTSG/OSMO — 128*
  • 574 ATOM/BTSG — 128*
  • 600 ATOM/CMDX — 22*
  • 601 CMDX/OSMO — 22*
  • 604 STARS/OSMO — 44*
  • 611 ATOM/STARS — 44*
  • 613 VDL/OSMO — 12
  • 621 DIG/OSMO — 154
  • 653 HOPE/OSMO — 58
  • 662 CRBRUS/OSMO — 41
  • 690 MNTL/OSMO — 20
  • 701 MEME/OSMO — 97
  • 716 ROWAN/ASVT — 37
  • 717 EEUR/ASVT — 41
  • 719 XPRT/USDC — 3
  • 722 EVMOS/OSMO — 63
  • 747 ECH/OSMO — 146
  • 748 ECH/USDC — 63

*External incentives matched by OSMO incentives

Expired Incentives

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