Updates on the Flipside

Flipside Flan
Osmosis Community Updates
5 min readOct 19, 2022


Recap on where Flipside has been since Prop 330 and where we are going


Flipside has the data to tell the story of Osmosis, but it is up to the community to unlock this story by asking the right questions. Leverage the Flipside Data Forum in the Osmosis Discord to get the process started!

We have also been shipping the last few weeks. Cosmoverse Mega Dashboard. Skip MEV Visualizer. Daily Active User Analysis. New Balances Table. More to come.

Mission: Data for Everyone

By way of introduction, I am Connor and I am on Flipside’s Protocol Advocacy team, currently working on bringing our data to more eyes within the Osmosis community. We at Flipside believe in the app-chain thesis and Osmosis’ role on the bleeding edge, pushing the ecosystem forward.

To that end, data accessibility and visualization is paramount to supporting a burgeoning community. Not only can data help builders and community members stay up to date on the ecosystem, but health metrics can also provide useful talking points for emerging narratives in the ecosystem.

When Flipside engaged with the Osmosis Community in September, we acknowledged the need to bring you more into the fold on what we have going on under the hood. Providing data insights to the Osmosis core team has been an invaluable opportunity, but to maximize the potential of this relationship, we needed a direct bridge to those most active and passionate about Osmosis.

Since Prop 330 passed, we have been working with the Osmosis Community Mods to develop a Community Engagement Strategy. This is a dynamic, living plan, and today we’d like to introduce our first step in this endeavor:

The Flipside Data Forum

This forum will be used as an open communication channel between the Osmosis Community and Flipside. Within this forum, we hope to create a space for community members to engage on data analytics.

Let me reframe this. You — yes, YOU — have the opportunity to ask us ANY question about on-chain Osmosis activity you want.

Are you an Osmosis community member trying to find trades with the least slippage? Let us know!

Are you a builder on Osmosis who wants curated analytics for your dApp? Let us know!

Genius without any questions but sick data analytics skills? Join the Flipside community and get PAID to help your community unearth Osmosis data! Check out the ‘Get Involved’ section below.

Any question — big or small — ask away. It is my job to get you the answers. So visit the forum, ask a question via our Google Form, and let’s discuss data.

Flipside Updates

Now I would love to quickly run through what we have been up to on the execution side of things. Here are a few things we have delivered since Prop 330.

Data Curation

Balances Table. Flipside officially has a liquid balances table which allows anyone to access current and historical balances on Osmosis. We will be running a bounty to highlight this table this week.

Skip MEV Visualization. Working with Skip Protocol and the Flipside SDK, our community analyst Kida is helping give Skip’s Satellite page a facelift. Osmosis MEV data currently resides in Kida’s own front-end but we will work to move this data into Satellite in the future.


Cosmosverse Mega Dashboard. Coming out of Cosmoverse, we generated a mega dashboard that allows anyone to toggle through different tokens to analyze their trading and pool activity. You can also see token price and its correlation to other tokens.

Daily Active Users. Through a request from the Osmosis core team, we ran a bounty to analyze active user behavior on Osmosis. Below you can find the raw numbers, as well as user behavior.

Osmosis Wallet Composition. We plan on running another bounty at the end of this week to analyze what types of wallets contribute to LPing and Governance. Will surface results directly in the Data Forum.

Get Involved

Although we have gotten off to a great start working with the Osmosis community, we need your help to make this relationship a success! We have our bounty questions for this week already decided, but next week is on you!

As mentioned earlier: in order to grow this relationship, we also welcome individuals to answer questions. We have a strong group of analysts who love and devour our Osmosis data, but the more the merrier!

If you are interested in becoming a Flipside data analyst — first, join our Discord. Becoming an active participant is the easiest way to level up your skills and catch announcements for upcoming bounties!

Every week we release claimable data bounties on our Earn page. By building a data dashboard and submitting a solution to the question asked, you can earn native tokens for your work! Love Osmosis? Run Osmosis queries and earn OSMO! It’s as simple as that.

For now, that’s all. I am super excited to help grow this relationship and provide value back to the Osmosis community!


Would love to hear from you. DMs on Twitter and Discord are open — @ me in public if you need to!

