OSMO Airdrop Walkthrough

JD Lorax
Published in
6 min readJun 19, 2021

Welcome, fellow scientists 👩‍🔬👨🏻‍🔬. This step-by-step guide will walk you through the tasks required to claim the full amount of your OSMO fairdrop.

About the OSMO Fairdrop

OSMO was airdropped to addresses that were staking ATOM based on a snapshot of the Cosmos Hub on February 18, 2021 when Stargate was launched. If you were staking in your own wallet during that time then you will be eligible to claim your OSMO airdrop and begin your Osmosis journey! If you were staking on a centralized exchange or joined after the snapshot, you are not eligible for an OSMO airdrop but will have many chances to earn OSMO going forward. You can read more details about OSMO token distribution in the Osmosis blog which also provides a technical deep dive into liquidity mining.

20% of the airdrop allocation is available immediately. To claim the full allocation, you must complete these steps within two months of launch. After two months, your allocation will begin to decrease. After six months your OSMO airdrop will no longer be available. Refer to “OSMO token distribution” for more details.

Getting Started With Keplr

Keplr wallet is the only wallet that will support OSMO tokens and Osmosis connection at launch. Getting familiar with Keplr is essential in order to interact with Osmosis and complete the OSMO airdrop tasks. Keplr is a Cosmos Interchain wallet that supports multiple IBC enabled assets. Osmosis has enabled IBC as a default and is the first AMM to do so. You will need to understand how to perform IBC transfers in order to trade on Osmosis. Refer to the Keplr IBC transfer guide here

Keplr Wallet is a Google Chrome extension and is only officially supported on Google Chrome. It is not suggested to be used with other browsers or via mobile as this can cause a disruption to service and your overall user experience.

Always double-check website urls and links. Only download Keplr through the official website or from the link provided here in this Getting Started With Keplr Wallet guide.

The Four Fairdrop Missions

The first 20% of your OSMO airdrop will be automatically available after connecting your wallet. However, for you to claim the remaining 80% of your OSMO fairdrop amount requires you to complete the following actions on Osmosis:

  1. Make a swap on Osmosis
  2. Provide liquidity to an Osmosis pool
  3. Stake OSMO to a validator
  4. Vote on an OSMO governance proposal

Each of the four steps will unlock an additional 20% of your claimable balance. Complete all four and you will have earned 100% of your OSMO airdrop as well as your place as a DeFi scientist in the Osmosis Lab.

Let’s get started!

STEP 1: Make a swap

Note: This screenshot was taken on a testnet. Actual prices and interface may vary

Making a swap on Osmosis is the first step to claiming. In the sidebar select Trade.

Note: There is no minimum amount of tokens that you have to swap in order to claim the OSMO airdrop.

1- Select asset you wish to swap

2- Select asset you want to swap for

3- Review rates and swap fee (you can adjust slippage tolerance by clicking the gear icon in the top right)

4- Click “Swap”

5- Confirm in Keplr

Keplr will prompt you to confirm the transactions and select your gas fee.

Once confirmed your first Osmosis swap is done. On to the next step and the next 20% of your OSMO claim.

STEP 2: Provide Liquidity

Providing liquidity comes with the risk of impermanent loss. It’s important you understand the risks involved prior to providing liquidity to pools.

Now that you have done a swap it’s time to become a liquidity provider. Start by clicking Pools.

Note: This screenshot was taken on a testnet. Actual prices and interface may vary

Note: There is no minimum amount of liquidity you have to add in order to claim the OSMO airdrop.

  1. Select any pool (note that may need to deposit assets in order to provide liquidity)
  2. Click Add/Remove Liquidity
  3. Select assets to provide
  4. Click Add Liquidity
  5. Confirm in Keplr

STEP 3: Stake OSMO

Over the halfway point. Now it’s time to stake some OSMO. Staking OSMO is an important contribution because Osmosis is a proof-of-stake blockchain and relies on validators who themselves need delegators (you) in order to keep the network secure. A couple of quick things to note when staking:

  • There is a 14-day unbonding period when you decide to unstake. This length is unique among Cosmos chains that usually require a 21-day unbonding.
  • Validators charge varying amounts of commission. Consider supporting validators that make active contributions to the network.. Ultimately the most important part is to choose a validator that you trust. Your validator will be voting on your behalf if you choose not to vote. Because of this, it’s best if you share the same views as your validator of choice.
  • Decentralization is in your control. As a OSMO staker, you have the right to take part in critical incentives and strategic decisions of the chain. Decentralization should always be a priority, which is something to keep in mind when choosing your validator.

To stake your OSMO, click on the Stake menu. It’ll take you to Keplr web interface with a list of validators.

Note: This screenshot was taken on a testnet. Actual validators and commissions may vary

1- Choose a validator

2- Click Manage

3- Click Delegate

4- Select amount to delegate (note 21-day unbonding period)

5- Click Delegate one more time

6- Confirm in Keplr

STEP 4: Vote on Proposal

Now that you have staked your OSMO it’s time to have your say in the network. Voting is your right as a delegator to have a say in the future of Osmosis. Carefully consider the implications and long-term impact of the governance proposal on the chain. If you’d prefer to delegate, choose a validator that closely aligns with your perspective.

For the purposes of claiming the airdrop, you must vote yourself.

Note: You must have OSMO staked (delegated) in order to be eligible to vote

There are 4 voting options:

Yes- You agree with and accept the terms of the proposal

No- You disagree with the terms of the proposal, but are open to future proposal subject to changes

No with Veto- You believe the proposal will bring harm to the network and/or the proposer is a malicious actor and don’t want to allow future reconsideration.

Abstain- You don’t have enough information to make a decision and would rather let the rest of the network decide.

Note: Not voting is not the same as abstaining. Not voting can lead to proposals failing to reach quorum.

Click on the Governance menu. This will redirect you to the Keplr wallet governance interface.

1- Click Governance, and you will be redirected to Keplr web

2- Review active proposals by clicking Details

3- Click Vote

4- Choose how you want to vote

5- Confirm in Keplr

That’s it! You have now claimed 100% of your eligible OSMO airdrop.

