Daikoku 1.0.0 is out !!

quentin aubert
Published in
3 min readJun 15, 2020
Daikoku, the japanese god of wealth
Daikoku, the japanese god of wealth

A new MAIF’s open source application is out. Like Batman has Robin, Otoroshi has Daikoku.

Daikoku is a developer portal for Otoroshi, written in scala and developed by the MAIF OSS team.

Daikoku is a digital gateway into your API catalog.
It will help you to group and manage your APIs but also to present them to your collaborators, to your customers thanks to complete description page, usage documentation, technical documentation (OpenAPI, swagger), test console …

It will streamline the process of subscribing to an api and get an API key from Otoroshi by leaving each user and team master of its own API keys without having to interact directly with Otoroshi. Let your collaborators and customers by allowing them to safely view their AIP keys or update their APIs as they want.

With Daikoku, every user will be able to create teams, APIs, subscribe to APIs owned by other teams, try the APIs through the test console and consult their consumption or income. Thanks to multi-tenant, each instance of Daikoku can perfectly reflect your working environments, through an highly customizable UI.

  • UI

Daikoku is a user centric app with a gorgeous UI, which allows you and your collaborators or customers to subscribe to your APIs, but not only.
They can also manage teams, APIs (of course 😉 ), usage plans, documentation, swaggers, billing …

API plans
API documentation
API Reference
  • Multi-tenant

Daikoku is multi-tenant with a unique configuration for every tenant.
Tenant can be private or public depending on your needs and internal workflows.

  • Customization

Daikoku UI is highly customizable to reflect your tenant environment and your corporate theme. You can add new CSS, font family, custom footer, custom home page or JS (be careful though 🧐, with great power comes great responsibilities).

Branded home page
  • Authentication

Authentication can be provided by Otoroshi using authentication modules but Daikoku itself provides local authentication, LDAP and OIDC connectors

  • Initialization

If you already using Otoroshi for a while, no problem, Daikoku can be initialized with an existing Otoroshi instance. APIs, teams and subscriptions will be created based on Otoroshi’s configuration.

  • Admin API

Even if Daikoku is user centric and therefore more UI oriented, it’s also API friendly. Daikoku offers admin APIs to to control your instances without a browser and maybe do some kind of automation based on your internal workflow.

  • Integration

An integration API is available to display a part of Daikoku anywhere you want (like on your corporate website)

But we don’t stop there. We are planning a lot of exiting features for future releases like:

  • Chat between customers and API admin
  • Issues tracker
  • Billing API
  • versioning APIs
  • and more…

Come and try Daikoku at https://maif.github.io/daikoku/

