Izanami version 1.6.0

Published in
1 min readDec 19, 2019

Izanami 1.6.0 is out with new features

Spring starter

There is now a spring starter for the izanami client. The sample application has been updated and the tutorial too.

You can fin more information here : https://maif.github.io/izanami/manual/tutorials/spring.html

Open id connect authentication

Izanami support open id connect authentication provider. A tutorial is available with keycloak following this link https://maif.github.io/izanami/manual/tutorials/oauth2.html

Copy features

It’s possible to copy a group of feature using the UI (or the API). This feature is available using the tree view.

Pending react component

a <Pending/> react component was added thanks to Franck Abgrall. This component defer the rendering while the features aren’t fetched from the server.



