Final Week of OST KIT Alpha III: POC Submission Form is Now Open

Published in
3 min readAug 7, 2018


OST is building the essential blockchain infrastructure and tools to empower new economies, tailored to meet the goals of businesses with millions of users. The OST KIT Alpha program lets OST build technology together with the international developer community, developing solutions that meet the needs of real businesses.

OST KIT Alpha III started out with over 200 project registrations from almost 50 countries and we counted more than 120 Halfway blog posts: You can find all Halfway updates here.

With the third Alpha challenge now in its last week, we’d like to remind all developers of the deadline to submit their final Proofs of Concept: Friday 10 August 2018 at 1pm UTC.

The Alpha III submission form is now open and can be found at Feel free to tweet your POC video to @OSTdotcom, using the #OSTa3 hashtag and to share your final blog post on our Subreddit for that extra bit of exposure.


As a reminder, please find below an overview of the requirements your project must meet:

  1. Create a qualifying PoC integration
  2. Publish a half-way blog post about the progress of your project
  3. Upload a final YouTube video presenting your PoC
  4. Publish a final blog post about your PoC.
  5. Fill out the Alpha III submission form

For all OST KIT Alpha III challenge rules, please refer to the Announcement post.


Below are the guidelines for the final YouTube video:

1. Your video must contain the following:

  • A quick intro of all the people who work on the project
  • An overview of your POC goals
  • A live demo of the user interface to your project
  • A live log of the backend server relevant for the in-app events that trigger token transfers and that connect to the OST Ledger and Balance APIs; Run at least 1000 in-app events triggering token transfers, not including airdrops to users
  • Transactional interactions on OST VIEW
  • At least one user’s token balance and transaction history displayed in their logged-in version of your app or website

2. Make sure you clearly explain and demonstrate which app events trigger a token transfer, and

3. Upload your video to YouTube — Make sure it’s publicly viewable!

4. Maximum duration is 5:00 minutes

💡 TIP: Watch our demo for an example of how to present a POC with a live log of backend transactions:

We wish all Alpha III developers the best of luck with finalizing their Proofs of Concept!

About OST

OST blockchain infrastructure empowers new economies. OST is a public blockchain platform designed for the needs of businesses with millions of users. Launch your own Branded Tokens with OST technology and turn your business into a dynamic ecosystem. OST is built on the OpenST Protocol, a framework for building highly scalable blockchain token economies. OST has offices in Berlin, New York, Hong Kong, and Pune. For more information, please visit:




Seamlessly integrate crypto micro-transactions into any app. & launching @thepepoapp autumn 2019