OST launches OST KIT⍺ — public alpha release of the complete blockchain toolkit for business

OST helps businesses gain competitive advantage with blockchain. OST KIT⍺ introduced with OST APIs, OST VIEW block explorer, and the all new OST.com website and branding.

Published in
5 min readMar 15, 2018


Introducing OST KIT⍺

Today we’re excited to launch OST KIT⍺, the public test version of OST KIT, the complete blockchain toolkit for business.

With OST KIT⍺ anyone can create their own Branded Token economy on OpenST Utility Blockchains, set up transaction types and users, and run simulations.

In OST KIT⍺ users mint Branded Tokens on OpenST test utility blockchains, by staking OST⍺ on Ethereum testnet. OST⍺ is a test version of the $OST cryptocurrency that tracks the public market value of $OST.

OST KIT⍺ is open to the public starting now! Anyone can sign up at https://ost.com, easily request some OST⍺ to test with, and start using OST KIT⍺, free of charge.

OST KITa requires zero programming skills. We believe this marks the first time non-developers can fully design, mint, and begin to manage their own crypto token economy on a blockchain. This is an important step towards demystifying blockchain technology and making it useful and approachable for mainstream businesses.

In the OST KIT dashboard you can simulate random transactions one-at-a-time from the list of transaction types you define.

You can use our APIs to customize transactions, run multiple transactions, integrate with your app, and execute specific token transfers between users…


Developers can take OST KIT⍺ much further with our developer APIs and SDK to integrate OST KIT⍺ into existing apps.

OST KIT API allow you to create users, setup transactions and execute transactions between users.

  • Programmatically add or update users to participate in your token economy.
  • Setup core actions in your application as transactions
  • Airdrop tokens to users
  • Execute token transfers between users.

Today’s release also includes significant updates to the OST Developer Resource Center.


The first 5000 Early Adopters who both register and simulate at least 10 transactions in OST KIT⍺ are eligible for up to $200,000 worth of $OST rewards!

You can register for Early Adopter rewards up until 20 March 2018 at 13:00:00 UTC.

View Early Adopter program details.


OST KIT⍺ is an opportunity to get in on the ground floor and help create a toolkit that meets the real needs of real businesses. Your feedback is the engine that will drive the project forward.

We encourage everyone to test drive OST KIT⍺ and to provide feedback directly to our team in our feedback forums, Telegram, Github, and developer chat.


Our ambition is to be the blockchain platform of choice for forward-thinking businesses. We are designing the OST solution stack to enable mainstream adoption of blockchain technology — making connectivity and commerce more convenient, transparent, empowering, fair, and rewarding for businesses and individuals worldwide.

In November 2017 we released the OpenST protocol which defines a scalable utility blockchain for atomically staking and minting utility tokens.

Today’s release of OST KIT⍺ builds on top of OpenST with a Pricing Engine, Token Rules engine, OpenST RESTful APIs, and OST KIT Token Economy Management via SDKs and SaaS dashboard. We’ve also updated the OpenST protocol to 0.9.2 with this release.

As we continue to build on and enhance OpenST, and improve on OST KIT from alpha to beta and then to general release, we’ll be rounding out the complete OST technology stack presented here.

Introducing OST VIEW Block Explorer

We are also proud to introduce OST VIEW, our homegrown block explorer.

The first version of OST VIEW enables anyone to view macro-level data across all OST Branded Token economies as well as drill downs by BT and into every transaction and user on the OpenST utility blockchains.

The homepage of OST VIEW today provides at-a-glance data on all of the Branded Token communities created in OST⍺. Token communities are sorted there by Market Cap (in OST⍺) to start. In the coming days we’ll also enable sorting of BT communities by other variables such as: number of transactions, transaction volume, and unique users transacting.

OST VIEW Homepage 15 March, 2018
OST VIEW Branded Token Page 15-March, 2018
OST VIEW Transaction Details Page 15-March, 2018

Introducing ost.com

Today, we are also excited to introduce the all new ost.com website and official rollout of the OST brand identity across all channels.

ost.com homepage 15-March, 2018

Our signature product, OST KIT, gets its own product page:

kit.ost.com webpage 15-March, 2018

Please also take note of our updated social media links.




Founder, CEO, product at Pepo, Ost Technology, openst, mosaicdao.