OST Feb — $OST Monthly Roadmap Update

Jason Goldberg
5 min readFeb 8, 2018


Here is our monthly OST roadmap update for February 2018. Apologies that I did not get this out sooner. We’ve been heads-down this week making progress on a number of fronts including preparing a series of new partnership announcements for the coming weeks as well as our primary focus on shipping OST KIT, the complete blockchain toolkit for business.

Please note: All dates provided are directional and subject to change based on business requirements and macroeconomic conditions. While we intend to provide the community with detailed and highly transparent updates, information on some projects may be withheld due to confidentiality agreements or competitive market dynamics.


OST KYC is the first crypto-powered complete KYC/AML & Whitelisting management platform for ICO’s. Process thousands of applicants smoothly and securely. Developed for the OST ICO.

We launched OST KYC in January 2018. We are now working on additional improvements to the OST KYC platform, particularly on the consumer-facing side to make it completely turnkey for ICOs.


OST KIT alpha is the first public version of our complete blockchain toolkit for businesses.

Our ambition with OST KIT is to be the blockchain technology partner of choice for businesses of all sizes and levels of technical sophistication, enabling any business to create, launch, and manage their own branded digital token economy powered by OpenST protocols and OST blockchain management software. The OpenST protocol enables companies to launch branded token economies on highly scalable, open, cryptographically auditable side blockchains. OST is actively investing in an ecosystem of developers and apps built on OST, to help drive requirements from actual use cases.

In OST KIT alpha anyone will be able to login at https://ost.com and design an OST-powered token economy and setup and simulate transactions (on testnet during alpha).

OST KIT directional screenshot, not final.

Before OST KIT, a company looking to get part of their business on a blockchain would need to hire their own blockchain developers, mint their own cryptocurrency on a blockchain, and manage their own cryptocurrency all on their own — a daunting, complex and expensive proposition, not to mention a delicate regulatory and legal burden.

With OST KIT any company will be able to use our SaaS to design, create and manage their crypto economy, setup transactions and users, mint their tokens, run transactions, monitor and analyze their token economy, and more, all from within our tools and without requiring them to have blockchain developers in-house.

OST KIT directional screenshot, not final.

For developers, OST KIT offers a robust set of API’s so that developers can easily plug OST KIT into their existing apps and run operations on their own.

OST KIT directional screenshot, not final.

Key features in OST KIT alpha will include:

  • Management Dashboard: Control panel, graphs, trends, monitor your token economy, supply/demand, top users.
  • Token Economy Planner: Plan your token economy.
  • Setup transaction types for your token: Peer-to-peer, Company-to-customers, Customers-to-Company.
  • OST Price Oracle: Enabling transaction values to be set in fiat value, BT to auto-adjust.
  • OST Pricer: Enabling companies to collect commissions/revenue for certain transactions.
  • User setup, in dashboard and via APIs.
  • Airdrop Branded Tokens tokens to selected users.
  • Simulate transactions, in dashboard and via APIs.
  • Analytics.
  • Developer console.
  • Developer APIs.

Release date — we have been adding more features to the release based on early customer feedback, so we have updated the release schedule to be early March, 2018

From OST KIT alpha to OST KIT beta

Our plan is to gather customer feedback on OST KIT alpha and then to expand the feature set leading to OST KIT beta in Q2 2018.

OST VIEW is our home grown block explorer which will include insights into transactions on the OpenST sidechains. Anyone will be able to view stats and transactions across and within the OST-powered communities.

OST VIEW directional screenshot, not final.

Release date — early March 2018

OST WALLET is our consumer-facing wallet for transacting within and across OST-powered Branded Token economies. Release date — Q2 2018.

OST CAMPAIGNS is the first crypto-powered complete enterprise grade email marketing solution. Currently processing millions of monthly transactions under a different brand name. Will be made available as a standalone product and integrated into OST KIT over time. Volume-based billing, only in $OST. Release date — Q1-Q2 2018

OpenST Protocol 1.0 extends current and future OpenST 0.9.x release versions to include session key management, proof of stake validators, and specifications for open validation and OpenST block rewards. Release date — Q2 2018

Partner Companies & OST-Powered Projects

To-date we have now announced 21 OST partner companies.

While any person/company will be able to use OST products as they are released, early OST partners benefit by providing direct input into our features and roadmap, and helping shape the OST platform to ensure that it meets their unique business needs. Early partners also benefit from OST input on their products, token economics and blockchain technology integration.

Select OST partners can also receive OST token grants to help fund their development and incentivize their project teams.

Interested in partnering with OST? Join our telegram, contact us at partners@ost.com and share your project or startups token economy ambitions.

In the coming weeks we will be announcing more signed partner companies and OST-powered projects. We will continue to announce more startups in batches like we did on our first OST Startup Day, as well as larger projects from established companies. Release date — ongoing.



Jason Goldberg

Founder, CEO, product at Pepo, Ost Technology, openst, mosaicdao.