People of OST: Francis Dufour, Community Manager



Based in Montreal, Canada, Francis Dufour is OST’s Community Manager. The success and strength of OST’s community is the center of his attention. Francis has been involved in crypto-economics and blockchain technology since 2012. Francis can be found on OST’s Reddit and Telegram channels.

Tell us about yourself!

Hello there! My name is Francis Dufour and I was born in Montreal, Canada. Some of you might have figured it out with my name; I am French Canadian. I have lived my whole life in Montreal, it is a very beautiful city, multicultural and full of activities to do, I would totally recommend visiting! Since 2012, I’ve always had an interest in crypto-economics and blockchain technology. Before joining the OST team I was working as a financial adviser for the leading financial cooperative in Canada. As far as education goes, I’ve had the chance to accumulate certificate and diplomas. I have a computer support diploma, Cisco Certified Network Associate certificate and a diploma in social sciences. I’ve always loved to be close to humans, it is no wonder my favorite subjects are psychology and sociology. I am currently pursuing studies in management to improve my knowledge.

What’s your history with crypto-economics and blockchain technology?

Stocks always caught my interest. Eventually I came to learn about bitcoin in around 2012, needless to say I fell in love with blockchain technology. Later on I even got my own ASIC miner machine to mine Dash, it was a very fun experience and I learned a lot!

What do you do as a community manager at OST?

The role of a community manager for me is to act as the bridge between, for example, OST and the community we are creating. Building relationships, trust and engaging in conversations with our community are all important values that I look up to.

My key role at OST as a community manager is to make sure the community is always happy, answering all needs and questions of our members. Another important thing about my role is to make our community a welcoming place for newcomers and current members. Every question is valid so don’t be shy to ask us questions, we are here to assist you and share our excitement with you. I love reading what our community has to say, thank you all for your support throughout this journey, the project would be nothing without you.

What are you currently working on? Any favorite OST project or experience?

Currently I am working on school, as I mentioned before, to improve my management knowledge. As far as my favorite OST project goes, it must be the OST KIT Alpha Phase III: Embedded Wallet-Lite Challenge. I loved working alongside my coworkers and see the community developers come together, work as teams and give it their all. It is wonderful to witness so many talented developers building on our platform, for real use cases.

My favorite experience was the ICO, although it was super busy times for everyone at OST I enjoyed the challenge it gave me and seeing all the support from all around the world was something else.

If you could choose one hobby that now seems out of your reach either financially or time-wise, what hobby would you take up and why?

That’s a great question, I think that if I had the time and money I would love to own a mining facility, it would be challenging to manage but overall I think it could be a fun experience.


Be sure to check last week’s interview with Mohit Junisha Malkani, Product Manager at OST. Tune in to our weekly People of OST segment on OST LIVE! Subscribe to our YouTube channel or listen to the audio format on anywhere you listen to podcasts, including iTunes, Spotify, and TuneIn.

About OST

OST blockchain infrastructure empowers new economies. OST is a public blockchain platform designed for the needs of businesses with millions of users. Launch your own Branded Tokens with OST technology and turn your business into a dynamic ecosystem. OST is built on the OpenST Protocol, a framework for building highly scalable blockchain token economies. OST has offices in Berlin, New York, Hong Kong, and Pune. For more information, please visit:

