People of OST: Sachin Chauhan, Senior Software Engineer

Published in
3 min readJul 20, 2019


Sachin is a mobile application developer with proficiency in designing UI for android applications. He has interests in competitive programming and likes to solve challenging programming questions. He is also an active stock market trader.

Tell us about yourself!

I’m based in OST’s Pune office, but I’m from Meerut, it’s in the north of India, near Delhi. I came to Pune about 10 years ago, I did my schooling here. I completed my Bachelors of Engineering in Information Technology from University of Pune. I then worked as an Android developer for three years at a security company called Symantec. I worked on Norton Mobile Security, antivirus for mobile applications. I was then hired at Pepo. I worked on the Pepo app and am now working on OST. I have over 5 years experience and have been working with the team for the past two years.

What does your role as Senior Software Engineer at OST entail?

I mostly work on front end technologies. I initially worked on OST VIEW, our home grown block explorer. At the moment, I am working on OST SDKs and OST Wallet app. I am also working on the react native Pepo application. Most of my work revolves around the front end technologies.

What do you like most about working OST?

What I love about working at OST is the opportunity to make an impact on a global level. The companies that we are going to serve will be using our blockchain infrastructure. I still believe that most people are not much educated about the blockchain technologies, but the future is bright. Blockchain provides a very strong sense of ownership. As users get educated about blockchain and as soon as the people start asking companies to provide blockchain based economies, more and more companies will try to incorporate a token economy into their product. The impact that OST can make is what excites me.

Where do you see the future development of blockchain technologies?

Even before blockchain, I heard about Bitcoin in 2015. It was a buzzword and I got to know about it from was searching on the dark web. Cryptocurrency was being used in some black markets. I didn’t even know how it could possibly work without an organization or institution. I got to learn about the blockchain from Bitcoin. There was not much information about blockchain at that time, so I was not able to understand it very clearly.

After joining OST, I came to learn about blockchain as a technology. It’s just not about cryptocurrency, it’s a bigger idea about distributed data management. A distributed ledger that can manage data. In the future of blockchain, I see that it can be incorporated into government institutions and banks, as a data management system where registries, billings, and receipts can be managed and verified from anywhere and by anyone. It can help prevent forgery, the possibilities are endless. This is where I see the future of blockchain adoption among many other institutions.

Thank you, Sachin!

Be sure to check out last week’s interview with OST lead software engineer Akshay Raje. Subscribe to our YouTube channel or listen to the audio format anywhere you listen to podcasts, including iTunes, Stitcher, and Spotify. We’re also now available on Alexa! Simply add “OST LIVE” to your flash briefing.

About OST

OST powers the future of brand loyalty. Innovators use OST Platform to reward behaviours and increase engagement with Brand Currency. It’s a complete set of developer tools that any company can integrate without any in-house blockchain expertise. OST partners reach more than 300 million end-users and we will be rolling out live implementations throughout 2019. OST currently has offices in Berlin, New York, Hong Kong, and Pune, and is expanding to other markets. OST is backed by leading institutional equity investors including Tencent, Greycroft, Vectr Ventures and 500 Startups.

