Startups Are Choosing $OST to Power their Blockchain Technology — Announcing 11 new OST partners during 1st OST Startup Day

Jason Goldberg
Published in
6 min readJan 15, 2018


We are designing Simple Token, OST, to be the complete blockchain toolkit for business. Our ambition is to be the blockchain technology partner of choice for businesses of all sizes.

Since the completion of our ICO on 1 December, 2017, we have received hundreds of inbound requests from companies to partner with OST. In the coming weeks we will announce many new partnerships, ranging from early-stage startups, to established businesses with millions of users and billions of monthly transactions.

We’ll get to the big guys in subsequent announcements. Today is all about startups.

Today is the first of many “OST Startups Days” as we announce an exciting new cohort of 11 startups who have officially signed-up to launch OST-powered token economies. These 11 join the 9 previously announced OST company partners.

We chose to partner with these 11 companies because their DNA matches ours: development centric, innovative, and committed to helping us shape the OST product so that it scales to be the blockchain on-ramp for thousands of businesses across a wide variety of industries and use cases.

Meet the 11 Newest OST Partner Companies


Treat is a mobile community for personalized health advice where members share experiences about treatments and receive relevant information from experts and verified resources about topics of interest.

“We are excited to explore tokenization using OST where our digital community could earn tokens from sharing highly rated and relevant content and experiences resulting from advice and spend tokens on sourcing specific professional advice.” — Pablo Wlasiuk, investor and advisor

License Rocks

License.Rocks is building a platform for decentralized software licensing through tokenization. They developing a secondary market for unused software licenses as a first vertical, disrupting the highly service-driven software license consulting industry. Their vision is to build a framework for defining how digital products such as software can be licensed and create new business opportunities and sales channels for creators of digital products.

“Tokenizing assets and specifically software license agreements are therefore built into our application and we are working with Simple Token to bring our secondary marketplace to life and exploring the future of new tokenized business models will be a pleasure .”— Daud Zulfacar, Co-founder

Radmule Labs

RadMule Labs is a mobile game studio focusing on new and innovative ways of gaming.

“Blockchain provides an amazing infrastructure to develop games with inherit economy. Games typically have an internal economy that’s unique to itself and players are kind of trapped in these economies. By building a game that has a token economy using OST we want to break these walls and let the players earn tokens in the game where they can spend in the OST network.” — Nejati Dinc, Co-founder Connecting Devices Anywhere

Simple Token is partnering with distributed fog computing startup to build a consumer app to enable instant WiFi access via blockchain. A tokenized single sign-on will enable worldwide access to fully encrypted wifi shared by professional and private hotspot operators.


TribeCoin is a marketing platform that incentivizes customers and influencers to create and distribute authentic content that helps brands tell their story to the world, and complete missions that help them achieve their goals.

“Simple Token is the ideal partner to help us break down the barriers to realizing the full potential of micro-influence, and re-defining the role that influencers play in a billion dollar industry.” — Joshua Renfro, Founder


Lookhave is the social fashion network app that finally connects your personal wardrobe to your smartphone. With over a 1,000.000 fashion items, and smart use of image recognition it has become easy to digitize your wardrobe. Mix and match your clothes, share your looks, get inspired by friends and professionals, and buy all you see. Lookhave has been featured in Vogue, Wired, Vanityfair, Glamour and GQ.


Tomorrow is launching a sustainable checking account for smartphones.

“In collaboration with Simple Token we will explore tokenization of sustainable assets as benefits to our mobile banking customers” — Inas Nureldin, Co-founder


ConnectScale is a sports fishing social community built around a connected device for weighing and tracking catch data from fishing trips.

“This is a great partnership for ConnectScale. We look forward to working with Simple Token to help create value for our users by adding blockchain technology and creating our own branded token which will add a unique brand experience to our community and platform.” — Ben Arnold, Founder

Stealth Project: Kokomo Stars

Kokomo Stars is developing a new platform to allows the world’s best talents to cash in on their potential today. It uses blockchain technology to convert future earnings into personalized digital tokens as tradable profit rights on Kokomo’s unique exchange, easily accessible to fans across the world. Fans and believers can back their favorite talents and share in the rewards of their successes. Kokomo will be launching on OST.

Stealth Project: Medical Trials

An Oxford University stealth healthcare spinoff and OST are partnering on tokenization of a pharmaceutical app for matching phase 3 clinical trials with patients from a decentralized data pool in a GDPR privacy adhering manner. It uses AI and blockchain technology and will enable clinical trial providers to highly reduce their time to market for drug development.

Stealth Project: Tokenizing At-Work Interactions

Prediction, Attention and Resource Allocation markets are not new to business — even Google uses Goobles to facilitate employee engagement through a bidding mechanism that is tradable for goods and services or even cash prizes on campus, including work and work related areas to earn and spend these tokens.

Tokenizing everyday at-work interactions with integrations into traditional business systems is the focus of this stealth project.

What we look for in OST Partners

Ideal OST partners are businesses and consumer apps or platforms that want to enhance their value propositions with blockchain, tokenize their offering, and take advantage of the network-of-networks of businesses launching OST powered branded cryptocurrencies. OpenST scalable side blockchains have the high throughput and low cost required to power the infrastructure for these applications.

We are actively partnering with great companies that have development DNA and marketplaces ripe for tokenization. Great OST use cases include projects with P2P micro-payments, enabling transparent and incentives and rewards, monetizing API calls, low cost cross-border payments, and monetizing decentralized business models.

We cull through hundreds of partnering requests and team up with progressive teams whose early involvement and contributions can help make OST stronger for the entire ecosystem.

Benefits of Partnering with OST

Early OST partners benefit by providing direct input into our features and roadmap, and helping shape the OST platform to ensure that it meets their unique business needs.

Early partners also benefit from OST input on their products, token economics and blockchain technology integration.

Select OST partners can also receive OST token grants to help fund their development and incentivize their project teams.

Interested in partnering with OST? Join our telegram, contact us at and share your project or startups token economy ambitions.



Jason Goldberg

Founder, CEO, product at Pepo, Ost Technology, openst, mosaicdao.