Video & Slides from #HASHED: OpenST Mosaic: Scaling Blockchain Economies to Billions of Users

Jason Goldberg
Published in
2 min readOct 1, 2018


On 14 September, 2018 OST Chief Blockchain Strategist Benjamin Bollen and I presented the OpenST Mosaic protocol for scaling blockchain economies to billions of users at #HASHED in Seoul, South Korea. Our talk at #HASHED followed the worldwide introduction of Mosaic the day prior at the Upbit Developer Conference in Jeju, South Korea.

HASHED is the premier technology-driven blockchain investment firm in South Korea. HASHED is an early backer of OpenST and OST.

Mosaic is a consensus protocol to run meta-blockchains on top of Ethereum. Each meta-blockchain runs in parallel and injects an additional state space into Ethereum. Each meta-blockchain is secured by Ethereum with an open, staked validator set. All transactions on meta-blockchains are asynchronously finalised and committed onto Ethereum. This enables tens thousand+ transactions per second on Ethereum — critical for mainstream adoption. Mosaic is a companion protocol to the OpenST Protocol introduced 1 year ago. This week we begin distributing the OpenST Mosaic Protocol paper for industry review and feedback.

In the first half of the talk, I present blockchain economies in historical context and the barriers to mass adoption of blockchain technology.

In the second half of the talk, Ben presents the technical specifications for the OpenST Mosaic Protocol.

About OST

OST blockchain infrastructure empowers new economies for mainstream businesses and emerging DApps. OST leads development of the OpenST Protocol, a framework for tokenizing businesses. In September 2018 OST introduced the OpenST Mosaic Protocol for running meta-blockchains to scale Ethereum applications to billions of users. OST KIT is a full-stack suite of developer tools, APIs and SDKs for managing blockchain economies. OST Partners reach more than 200 million end-users. OST has offices in Berlin, New York, Hong Kong, and Pune. OST is backed by leading institutional equity investors including Tencent, Greycroft, Vectr Ventures, 500 Startups.



Jason Goldberg

Founder, CEO, product at Pepo, Ost Technology, openst, mosaicdao.