David and Sarah Egbert: Buckeye Spirit Runs in the Family

By Miranda Koewler

Student Life at Ohio State
OSU Spotlight
5 min readJan 29, 2019


Born and raised as Buckeye fans by alumni parents, David and Sarah Egbert are celebrating the traditions they love during their final year at Ohio State. Read on to see how the twins have paved such different paths in their time as students.

Miranda: What are you studying and why?

David: Computer science engineering (CSE). I’ve always had a fascination with computers and was excited by the versatility it offered. Growing up, I enjoyed my STEM classes, but came to Ohio State without formal experience. Throughout my first year, it became obvious that this was the right choice.

Sarah: After a longer journey and a few changes, I chose to study psychology. My involvement in Residence Life was a transformational experience that showed me just how important working with and helping people was to me. I’m working on minors in animal science and dance to be able to include my various passions.

What are you involved with on campus and in the Columbus community?

David: I try to do one thing each year that I can focus on. I participated in BuckeyeThon and was very passionate about the cause. I’m also a member of Mortar Board, one of the senior class honoraries. I was lucky enough to be an inaugural resident in both Scott and Blackburn Houses. My Scott floor seven friends have been a really important part of my life and have been such a support through college.

Sarah: Currently, I’m serving my second year as an RA for the Visual and Performing Arts Learning Community — I’ve been involved with learning communities all four years. I joined Kappa Kappa Gamma, which is really cool because my aunt worked on bringing the chapter to campus. I’m a co-founder of Studio Dance. It’s an open and affordable group to help dancers improve their skills for themselves. Like David, I’m also on Mortar Board.

What are three words to describe you?

David: Independent, driven and passionate. I’m an introverted person and enjoy personal time and having a small group that supports me. I love going to class and working late on projects. When you’re passionate about what you do, you want to do it well. Those three traits together have allowed me to thrive here. I know I can count on myself for so much.

Sarah: First, creative. It describes a lot of the things I do artistically and how I approach problems. Next, passionate. I’m passionate about so many different things. I think it’s important to find ways to explore all those passions together. Last would be caring. I love to help people and animals. I want to make a positive impact in some way on every single person I meet.

David, you’re really passionate about your major. Tell me about how the CSE program has helped or changed you.

David: Here at Ohio State, computer science is an engineering degree, and that alone shows how seriously the program is taken. I’ve had consistently phenomenal experiences with my classes and professors. To start with zero experience and get to where I am now has been an astounding experience.

How has Ohio State lived up to the love you had for it growing up?

David: I grew up knowing Carmen and the fight song and had my room decorated with Buckeye leaves. I went to games in the Shoe long before I started school here. Since starting, I’ve found such a density of smart, engaged and fantastic people all in one place. I’ve been so thankful for the great community of people helping me shape my future.

Sarah, what have been some of your favorite traditions during your time as a student?

Sarah: I love the Orton bells, visiting Mirror Lake and singing Carmen at the football games. It’s extra special to have the ability to share it all with my family as well. I’ve found a group of people that are diverse, talented and passionate, but all share a common love of Ohio State.

How have your experiences here guided you to your future plans of working in higher education and student affairs?

Sarah: I’ve had my share of challenges in college, and these have inspired me to work for future generations of college students. During my transition of changing majors, my aunt gave me a bracelet that said “enjoy the journey.” It reminded me to embrace the struggle and the success of what I went through.

What has it been like to come to Ohio State with your twin?

David: We’ve had very different paths in our time at Ohio State, but having Sarah here has given me someone I can fall back on — she’s always there for me.

Sarah: It’s been cool to have different lives, because we did so many of the same things in high school. But it’s been so important for me to have someone to lean on, especially when I needed it in my transition through changing my majors.

What advice do you have for younger or future Buckeyes?

David: Try to find the good part of everything. By finding something to appreciate, even in the tough times, you’re able to enjoy what you have more. At Ohio State, there are so many resources and opportunities for you to take advantage of — you just have to be willing to put effort into everything you do so you can get the most out of it.

Sarah: Enjoy the journey. Don’t come here and do what you think is expected of you — be your own person and pave your own path. Believe in yourself, believe in what you can do and go for it. Surround yourself with a supportive and caring community. Embrace the ability to choose and change your experiences in college. And remember, there’s no right way to do things here — there’s just your way.

