Eric Sun: A Community Creator

By Miranda Koewler

Student Life at Ohio State
OSU Spotlight
3 min readSep 25, 2018


Eric Sun is a motivated and ambitious third-year Fisher College of Business student who’s constantly looking to expand his community at Ohio State through empathy and understanding.

Miranda: What are you studying and why?

Eric: Marketing and logistics majors with minors in business analytics and film studies. I chose all these to be well rounded when I come out of college. Marketing and logistics are different but fit well together. I can look at the best ways to solve problems by using logic and creativity. Business analytics will always be useful, but film is something I chose as a spur of the moment decision. It was something I was always interested in, so I just went for it. There are so many opportunities at a big school like Ohio State.

What are you involved with on campus and in the Columbus community?

Most recently I joined Phi Chi Theta and the Fishers Honors Cohort. I’m lucky and grateful for the family I have found in my fraternity, and I look forward to getting involved with the cohort as a junior.

Since freshman year, I have been involved with the Boo Radley Society. I’m a firm believer in their mission of spreading positivity through random acts of kindness. As a freshman, I also began my involvement with the Business Honors Learning Community. Now, I’m happy to be giving back to this group as their Resident Advisor in Taylor Tower. I’ve been in Hall Council and worked as an Office Assistant, so I’m excited to continue my work with Residence Life.

What are three words to describe you?

First is passionate. I can excel when working on projects or with people I care about. I fully devote my time and energy to my work, and I gravitate towards other passionate people.

Second would be driven. When I see a goal, I do everything in my power to achieve it. I have a naturally meticulous, hard working mindset.

Last is friendly. I can get along with anyone and try to build relationships anywhere I go. I’m passionate about building communities and creating a family.

How did your passion for making connections and serving your community begin?

There is no specific moment I look back to, because it’s an attitude I’ve always had and hope to exude. I’m grateful for the opportunities I have, and I strive to give others the same experiences. I advocate for mental health awareness on campus, because understanding someone’s situation is so important. Overall, I look to make any negative situation into a more positive one.

Tell me more about how you view the power of empathy.

Empathy is something everyone should have, now more than ever. If you can’t put yourself in someone else’s shoes, you’ll never really understand their perspective. You’ll just be yelling louder than them, trying to be heard. It’s important to keep an open mind, no matter how strong your opinion is. If you can do that, you can create a community anywhere you go.

You mentioned being inspired by Jeremy Lin. What about him has inspired you, and what have you learned from his story?

Jeremy Lin is an NBA player that I first heard about back in 2012. I was instantly inspired by his life story. I grew up in an area with very few people that looked like me. Jeremy Lin was the first positive role model, outside of my family, that I could really relate to. We share similar backgrounds, with immigrant parents and a strong focus on school. I’ve always admired how he breaks down stereotypes and gets the conversation moving forward.

What advice would you give to new Ohio State students?

Explore a lot of different things. Branch out from what you knew in high school. Meet new people and get out of your comfort zone.

Thanks, Eric!

