#166 : Otaku Coin Official Shop Launch! How to buy ‘Replica Otaku Coins’ NFTs

Otaku Coin
Otaku Coin
Published in
8 min readMay 25, 2021

We are pleased to finally announce the opening of the ‘Otaku Coin Official Shop’!

Otaku Coin Official Shop is a shop where anyone can purchase NFTs easily with their credit cards, just like when shopping on Rakuten or Amazon.

The first NFT to be sold on Otaku Coin Official Shop will be our ‘Replica Otaku Coins’.

There are 10,000 versions of our ‘Replica Otaku Coins’ in total. However, each NFT is a one-of-a-kind.

When you purchase one, you will be the only person in the world with that particular NFT. It is the only one in the whole world.

We hope that this would be a good opportunity for those who do not own cryptocurrency yet but are interested in NFTs. The NFTs are a good chance to purchase and try NFTs at an affordable cost of just 990 JPY (incl. tax).


【Purchasing Steps】

  1. Make a purchase at the Otaku Coin Official Shop
  2. Connect your MetaMask wallet to Polygon (Matic Mainnet)

Step 1: Make a purchase at the Otaku Coin Official Shop

First, access the Otaku Coin Official Shop.


If you scroll down the top page, you will see images of our Replica Otaku Coins lined up.

In our first sale, we will sell coins with serial numbers from R00001 to R00100. The serial numbers will get higher as we keep going further with the sale, so make sure not to miss the first sale if you would like to purchase coins with single or double digits or a specific serial number that you prefer.

Click on the coin you want to purchase and go to the details page.

Before you make a purchase, we would like to address some notable information.

* A MetaMask wallet address is required to make a purchase.
* Purchase is limited to one per user (We would like as many people as possible to experience the purchase of NFT).

What is MetaMask?
What is a wallet address?
If you have questions like the above, we recommend you watch the video below and add the browser extension to your Chrome to create a wallet first.

Guide Video with Tohoku Kiritan (Japanese): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-gGT6ZuX07Y

Instruction manual on creating & managing a Metamask wallet

Read through the page and click on ‘理解した上でカートに追加する’!

A page like the image above will pop up.

Click on ‘カートを見る’ to check your cart.

Confirm that the NFT with the serial number you selected is in your cart.

Please be sure to enter your wallet address in the input field shown on the left of the screen.

The NFT you purchase will be sent to the wallet address you enter in the input field.

Please note that we will not be able to resend an NFT if you encounter any issues with your wallet address, or your address is not eligible for receiving Polygon NFTs.

If you enter a cryptocurrency address, there is a high possibility that you can not receive the NFT. Therefore, we recommend you use MetaMask.

We do not provide support for wallets other than MetaMask. We ask for your understanding in advance.

Click on the fox icon on the top right of your Chrome browser to open MetaMask, and you will see characters that start with ‘0x…’.

This is your wallet address.

Copy and paste the wallet address to the input field.

Next, click on ‘ご購入手続きへ’ on the right of the page!

You will be asked to log in to your account if this is your first time on the website.

アカウントを作成する’ or ‘ログイン’, and you will reach the payment page.

Select your preferred payment method.

If you plan to make a payment with your credit card, enter your billing address and click on ‘お支払いへ進む’ to enter your credit card information.

When you complete your purchase, you will see the screen below and receive an email shortly after.

This email will be your exchange ticket for the NFT, so please be sure to confirm and keep it safe.

This completes your purchase of our Replica Otaku Coins NFT!

The next step will be preparing to confirm the Replica Otaku Coins NFT you have purchased.

Step 2: Connect your MetaMask wallet to Polygon (Matic Mainnet)

Connecting your MetaMask wallet to Polygon (Matic Mainnet) allows you to confirm the Replica Otaku Coins NFT you have purchased. Please follow the instructions below.

What is Polygon (Matic Mainnet)?

Polygon is a project made aiming to solve the issue of the inflation of gas (fee) on Ethereum, as a side chain that you can use to make a separate transaction. The name has been changed from Matic to Polygon in 2021. Simply put, the cheap fees and the speedy transaction process of Polygon allow you to sell affordable NFTs such as Replica Otaku Coins.

1. Log in to MetaMask on Chrome

We explained this step earlier, so we will keep it short.

Click on the fox icon on the top right of your Chrome browser and enter your password to unlock.

2. Use Chainlist to Connect Your Wallet to Matic


Open the link on Chrome and click on ‘Connect Wallet’ on the top right, and MetaMask will open.

Make sure your account is checked and click on ‘次へ’.

Clicking on ‘接続’ on the subsequent page connects MetaMask to Chainlist.

When MetaMask and Chainlist are successfully connected, you will see the fox icon and your wallet address where ‘Connect Wallet’ was shown earlier.

Type ‘matic’ into where it says ‘Search Networks’ on the right of the page.

2 networks should show up below the search bar.

Click ‘Add To Metamask’ on Matic Mainnet on the left to open MetaMask again.

You will be asked to allow the website to add a network. Click on ‘Approve’ and move on to the next page.

As you can see on the top of the screen, you are currently connected to Ethereum Mainnet. Click on ‘Switch Network’ to connect to Matic Mainnet.

The MetaMask screen will then close.

Once again open MetaMask by clicking the fox icon on the top right on Chrome.

If you see ‘Matic Mainnet’ on the top of the page, that means you have successfully switched the network to Matic (Polygon)!

The next step will be to confirm that you have received the Replica Otaku Coins NFT!

3. Add a custom token and confirm the NFT

Click on the button that says ‘トークンを追加’ located on the bottom of the MetaMask page.

It will guide you to the page below.

In the ‘Address of Token Contract’ field, copy and paste the address below:


(‘Token Symbol’ and ‘Number of Digits’ should automatically be filled.)

Click on ‘次へ’.

If you see that it says 1 for rXOC, that means you have successfully purchased and received the NFT!

(The above is 0 rXOC because it is a sample)

* rXOC will be 1 after the NFT is actually distributed (scheduled for the end of June).

We imagine you are probably thinking, “Wait, is that it?”.

That’s right, you actually cannot see the picture of the NFT here.

In the next step, we will explain how to visually confirm the Replica Otaku Coins NFT.

However, we are currently in the process of preparing it, so we ask for your patience!

We will notify you on Twitter when we have made this addition. Please follow our account to keep up-to-date.


The sequel article is here:



Otaku Coin
Otaku Coin

For anime, manga, and video game fans around the world, "Otaku Coin" cryptocurrency is now under consideration FB: https://www.facebook.com/otakucoin/