#175: View Replica Otaku Coin NFTs on ‘nanakusa’! Matic present for all ‘Replica Otaku Coin’ NFT owners! Let’s try selling on the marketplace!

Otaku Coin
Otaku Coin
Published in
4 min readJun 22, 2021

The newest collaboration between Otaku Coin and the Polygon Marketplace ‘nanakusa’!

We have finally finished sending our ‘Replica Otaku Coin’ NFTs that sold out in the first 30 minutes to the 5,000 new owner’s addresses. Together with this announcement, we are also pleased to publicize that these NFTs are now available to be confirmed on the Polygon (Matic) marketplace ‘nanakusa’!

Also, we have sent Matic that is required to use on Polygon to all of the 5,000 new ‘Replica Otaku Coin’ NFT owner’s wallet addresses. (Sending NFTs and Matic to 5,000 wallets on Polygon was made possible thanks to an original system developed by Crypto Games Inc).

The ‘nanakusa’ marketplace handles NFT on Polygon, and also allows for the receiving of royalties from second sales/distribution and onwards!

■ How to Confirm your Matic

You can check for the Matic by connecting your MetaMask wallet to the Matic Mainnet.
The Matic balance should be increased.

If you are not sure of how to connect your wallet to the Matic Mainnet, check out “Step 2: Connect your MetaMask wallet to Polygon (Matic Mainnet)” in the article below.

■ About the NFT Marketplace ‘nanakusa’

The NFT marketplace ‘nanakusa’ is a popular NFT platform service that allows authorized content creators, NFT sellers, and crypto artists to sell their NFT works (first sales/distribution). In addition, users can also buy and sell (second sales/distribution) their NFTs with other users.

Matic is required when buying and selling NFTs on ‘nanakusa’.

■ Let’s confirm your ‘Replica Otaku Coin’ NFT on ‘nanakusa’.
(The instructions are for confirming on your computer)

  1. Access nanakusa with the browser you are logged in with MetaMask and click “Connect wallet” in the top right corner.

2. The MetaMask will open, so click “Next”, “Connect”, and “Sign” the signature request.

3. When you return to nanakusa, the “Connect wallet” button will be changed to “Ethereum”. Click it and a window will come up saying “Switch Network”, so click “Switch to Polygon”.

4. Return to nanakusa and the top right button should be “Polygon” like in the image above.
Click the mark beside it (the design of the mark varies)

5. This will be your account screen on nanakusa.
Click on “Owned NFT”, which is the second from the left in the middle of the screen, and the NFTs you own on the Matic Mainnet will show up on the screen.
Here you can check out your “Replica Otaku Coin”.

■ Let’s sell your ‘Replica Otaku Coin’ NFT on ‘nanakusa’.

1. When you click on your NFT, the screen should be like the image below. Click “Sell”.

2. A screen like the image below will pop up, so enter the price (in Matic) you want to sell your Replica Otaku Coin.

3. MetaMask will ask for your signature when you click “Sell” after entering the price.
If the screen becomes like the image below, your Replica Otaku Coin is on sale.

4. You can check out your NFTs on sale by clicking “On sale” in your nanakusa account page.

You can also see your Replica Otaku Coin in the Partners market, which you can access from “Market” in the nanakusa menu.




Otaku Coin
Otaku Coin

For anime, manga, and video game fans around the world, "Otaku Coin" cryptocurrency is now under consideration FB: https://www.facebook.com/otakucoin/