#343: Seed Fusion Implemented on the Isekai Battle Goerli Test Net Version!

Otaku Coin
Otaku Coin
Published in
5 min readJul 24, 2023

Seed Fusion has been implemented on the Goerli test net version of Isekai Battle.


Fuse the ATK, DEF, and LUK Seeds you have gathered so far and get even more effective Seeds!

Only 10 Seeds can be used per Character, so using more effective Seeds is crucial.

■About Seed Fusion

2 to 8 Lv1 Seeds of the same type can be burnt to be fused together.

The results of the fusion are

Lv2 to 4 by using 2 Seeds
Lv3 to 5 by using 3 Seeds
Lv4 to 6 by using 4 Seeds

Lv8 to 10 by using 8 Seeds

Seeds with the same, +1, or +2 level as the number of burnt Seeds will be generated.
To make a Lv10 Seed, you need to fuse 8 Seeds and draw the +2 bonus.

Owning the Magic Circle NFT will increase the chances of you drawing the +1 and +2 bonuses.

*The Magic Circle NFT has an effect just by owning it, and will not be burnt.

Here are the instructions for Seed Fusion.

■Seed Fusion Steps

1. To the Items Screen

Select “Items” from the menu at the bottom of the screen and open the “Seeds” tab.

2. To the Seed Fusion Screen

Select the Lv1 Seed you want to fuse and click on “Fuse” to move to the Seed Fusion screen.
If the “Fuse” button cannot be clicked, please be patient until it becomes available.
*You can only fuse Lv1 Seeds.
*The fused Seed cannot be fused again.

3. Select the Number of Seeds to Fuse

Use the scroll bar and +/- buttons to select the number of Seeds to fuse.
*2 or more Seeds must be selected to be fused.
*To change the type of Seed to fuse, you can select the Seed on the left side of the screen.

4. Select the Character who Fuses the Seeds

Select the Character who fuses the Seeds from the bottom left of the screen.
GEN0 and 0.5 Characters can reduce the fusion fee.
Please be aware of the GEN of the Character you have selected.
*The selected Character only affects the fusion fee and will not be lost.

The fusion fees depending on the Character GEN are

GEN0: 0.009ETH (10% discount)
GEN0.5: 0.0095ETH (5% discount)
GEN1: 0.01ETH

5. Check the Probability of Fusion Results

The probability of the fusion results is fixed at ☆3, which gives you the best chance of getting a bonus.
Also, the bonus chance will rise depending on how many Magic Circle NFTs you own.

0 Magic Circle NFT | No Bonus: 70% | +1: 20% | +2: 10%
1 Magic Circle NFT | No Bonus: 50% | +1: 30% | +2: 20%
2 Magic Circle NFT | No Bonus: 30% | +1: 40% | +2: 30%
3 Magic Circle NFT | No Bonus: 10% | +1: 50% | +2: 40%
4 Magic Circle NFT | No Bonus: 0% | +1: 50% | +2: 50%
*Owning 5 or more Magic Circles will not increase the bonus more than owning 4.

6. Fusion

Check for any mistakes in the type, number of Seeds to fuse, and the Character who fuses the Seeds, and click on “OK” at the bottom right.

7. Confirm Transaction

Click “OK” on the Confirmation page and “Confirm” the transaction on your MetaMask.
You will need the fusion fee + gas fee.

8. Fusion Complete

When the fusion is complete, you will return to the Exploration screen.
Please note that it may take about 5 minutes to be able to check your new Seed in the game. Come back later if you cannot see the Seed.

[Tips] How to Check the Seed Fusion Result ASAP

The Seed fusion results can be found in the transactions.
For example, if the ID is 21, like in the image, the result is a Lv2 LUK Seed.

ID1: ATK Seed Lv2 | ID11: DEF Seed Lv2 | ID21: LUK Seed Lv2
ID2: ATK Seed Lv3 | ID12: DEF Seed Lv3 | ID22: LUK Seed Lv3
ID3: ATK Seed Lv4 | ID13: DEF Seed Lv4 | ID23: LUK Seed Lv4
ID4: ATK Seed Lv5 | ID14: DEF Seed Lv5 | ID24: LUK Seed Lv5
ID5: ATK Seed Lv6 | ID15: DEF Seed Lv6 | ID25: LUK Seed Lv6
ID6: ATK Seed Lv7 | ID16: DEF Seed Lv7 | ID26: LUK Seed Lv7
ID7: ATK Seed Lv8 | ID17: DEF Seed Lv8 | ID27: LUK Seed Lv8
ID8: ATK Seed Lv9 | ID18: DEF Seed Lv9 | ID28: LUK Seed Lv9
ID9: ATK Seed Lv10 | ID19: DEF Seed Lv10 | ID29: LUK Seed Lv10

You can also check on test net OpenSea.


If the Seed fusion doesn’t have any problems on the test net, we will implement it in the main net version.

We will also be running a campaign regarding Seed fusion, so don’t miss it!

■What is Isekai Battle?

The game collaboration project derived from Isekai Anime Characters, “Isekai Battle” is a fully on-chain game in which players battle for Fragments (NFT). You will need at least 3 adventurer characters (NFT) to play the game.

Test play is currently underway on the Goerli test net.
Ask in the Discord server if you want to try playing the game!

Discord: https://discord.com/invite/isekaibattle
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Isekai_Battle

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