Short Story Vol.3: Frustrating Times

Please sit back, relax, and enjoy reading it in your free time.

Otaku Coin
Otaku Coin
5 min readJul 23, 2019


“Goods aren’t technically toys, right?”

We’ve been married for ten years. My wife has always done and said crazy things, so I stiffen instantaneously. I have no idea where she’s going with this. Is it some sort of puzzle? In any case, those aren’t the words you should greet your husband with at the front door when he has just gotten home from work.

“…Goods? Toys, goods, toys… I feel like the term ‘goods’ is broader, like toys could be included in the word ‘goods.’ I suppose that means goods aren’t toys.”

My wife turns on her heel and walks away. I guess that’s not the answer she wanted to hear.

During dinner, I calmly listen to her explanation for asking. Apparently, she wants to buy goods from the anime our daughter is watching. I’m sure her sudden question earlier was because she was trying to hide her embarrassment.

Still, I’m surprised. “Don’t buy anything unnecessary!” “Don’t fall for advertising and marketing strategies!” Those are my economist wife’s favorite sayings, and wanting to buy goods is far from her usual self.

However, I can’t refuse my wife’s wishes when this is the first hobby she’s had in a long time. After all, she has supported my pottery hobby.

I agree, with a few conditions. She and my daughter exchange looks and do a weird dance together. Apparently, it’s the dance for the anime’s opening song. I haven’t seen my wife move that much in a long time.

A while after that, my wife asked if she could donate to support a crowdfunding project for an anime. She gave me a satisfied smile when I responded with, “Fine, as long as it follows the conditions we agreed upon.” She said that after donating to the project, the goods she had supported would be sent to her. Apparently, the idea originates back to the Statue of Liberty. You get something as a symbol of your patronage. It’s a noble system.

However, according to my wife, it has its problems, as well.

For example, the scale of a platform’s management expands in relation to the funds received from many individuals (and this costs money). There is also a risk of plagiarism of the project’s ideas if they write what they will be doing in detail (but unclear plans lead to overall uncertainty).

Finally, using money that was donated for the anime’s production to instead make goods feels like you’re getting your priorities backwards — although everyone likes limited edition goods.

I ask, “Isn’t there a risk that you won’t get anything in return?” and my wife replies with, “It’s support! The thought that matters! An earnest wish to help!” I didn’t mean any wrong by it, so she didn’t have to bite my head off.

The merits and demerits for each supporter vary depending on the type of project and the person managing it. Also, some projects offer a return guarantee. I wonder how crowdfunding will continue to develop in the future…

Crowdfunding and blockchains are similar in that they are both founded on the idea of direct support from fans and fans gathering together to carry out projects.

However, blockchains can be used more smoothly than crowdfunding, are clearer, and more money goes to creators.

In order to evolve and strengthen Japanese culture, which is loved by people around the world, fans must be able to deliver their thoughts and “values” to creators as directly as possible.

Of course, everyone loves to receive limited edition goods.

But the money that should be used to produce anime is being used in other places. This is crowdfunding’s greatest contradiction.

Blockchain technology is the current way to “collect money.” We believe it is another option that has developed to be a step ahead of the game compared to crowdfunding.

The money you donate will be used for production costs. That in itself is a return for fans.

We are currently making every possible effort to make this system a reality.

We hope that you will follow us on our journey.

The Otaku Coin Committee, a committee that directly connects fans around the world and creators.

【 if 】

“This anime was pretty good.”

Several years have passed since I began living in Tokyo. As I bite down on a rice ball I bought after working overtime, the clock strikes 1:30 AM. I have to get to the office early tomorrow, and there’s definitely not enough time to get much sleep. All I want to do is to call in sick.

I’m dazedly looking up at the ceiling when an announcement for a new anime series comes on. It features totally different content and has a different art style. But it is beautiful.

I feel like I’ve heard this music before. And this unique dance…

…I think it’s the same anime I watched with my mom when I was little. It’s a promotion for the long-awaited original sequel.

Strangely enough, I don’t remember what it’s about at all. What was the story like? For some reason, I remember my mother’s carefree smile before the series’ plot comes to mind. Now that I think about it, I haven’t seen her smile like that recently. Maybe even my straitlaced father is starting to miss me.



Otaku Coin
Otaku Coin

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