The Placaters of Middle Management in E-Commerce.

Precious Simu
Published in
3 min readNov 30, 2021

I recently stuck my feet in the modern jungle known as e-commerce, and such I have decided to chronicle my journey and leave notes to whomever maybe beginning such a journey. Along the way I’ll be leaving snippets and commentary on the ups and downs I encounter in this field.

Now, if you’re a supplier and you think nobody cares if you’re alive, try missing a couple of delivery dates.

The trick to successful e-commerce is not just being able to take an order and fulfil it: It’s the way a company deals with problems when they arise during fulfilment. Fulfilment is the process that occurs after a customer places an order online up to the product arriving at its final destination. The steps includes a checkout process, inventory management, order processing and staging, e-commerce shipping, and returns (if necessary).

Recently, this author participated in a recall of a product, a saga that was followed by a chain of apologetic and frustrated letters sent out by the reseller’s rep. Communication between the vendors, the courier and the customer seemed unclear. Almost everything that could go wrong, did.

Yet in contrast, when a purchase from one of Zimbabwe’s upcoming ecommerce platform “Otarkie” turned out to be faulty, it was replaced in a snap. The whole experience was seamless. But this is not a surprise, since the standard of e-commerce has changed radically and features such as same-day delivery or real-time tracking are becoming normal. This is why Otarkie is winning by miles.

A few years ago you were happy if your goods purchased online arrived at all. Today, ordering food in major urban centers can reasonably expect less than an hour delivery simply by using WhatsApp. This is the new standard for e-commerce in Zimbabwe.

Are you ready to discover how Otarkie can improve your customer service engagements?

We recently started using one of our own solutions in-house, and this endeavor has had us being our own customer. Say Hi to +263 717 012 146 to order your food and have it delivered anywhere in Harare, Zimbabwe. This one of our latest products in pioneering e-commerce over WhatsApp, whereby WhatsApp is by far the regions most used platform.

About Otarkie

We are one Africa’s simplest, most reliable and secure platforms that enable people to see, show and share anything online, creating a frictionless path to great experiences in sales, support and customer service. The result is improved customer satisfaction and loyalty, increased revenue growth and operational savings. From designing, setting up and managing stores across multiple sales channel and to retail and food and leisure, even the most advanced technology and SaaS organizations — we transform the customer experience for today’s business. LEARN MORE

