OTCBTC at RubyKaigi 2018

Published in
2 min readJun 5, 2018

RubyKaigi 2018 was held at Sendai, Japan from 31st May to 2nd June. RubyKaigi provides many new and exciting talks by Matz and other Rubyists in every year.

We are so honored to be a proud sponsor of RubyKaigi 2018. It’s a great chance to catch up with almost all the core Ruby team members at once and to hear the leading voices from the Rails community.

RubyKaigi started with OTCBTC sponsor speech “What’s going on in the crypto world?” and followed with Matz’s keynote. Yukihiro Matsumoto is best known as the chief designer of the Ruby programming language and its reference implementation.

OTCBTC sponsor talk: What’s going on in the crypto world?

OTCBTC exchange is built with Rails, and it is one of the fastest growing cryptocurrency exchange in Asia. We have both OTC and crypto exchange services to blockchain supporters all over the world. Since October 2017, we have just operated for seven months, but we experienced 300 times growth. Founded by a true believer in Rails, we believe in changing the business world using Ruby on Rails.


OTCBTC Team flew over to Sendai with Goodies. There are thousands of attendees in this conference. Our booth has been visited by tons of people who are interested in learning more about what we are doing. We’ve introduced our trading platform and new flesh product OTF to blockchain enthusiasts. People also showed interest in our OTB token with low trading fees.

We are proud to create one of the most user-friendly and convenient exchanges using Ruby on Rails and have always wanted to support the development of Ruby community.

We look forward to seeing you at the next Ruby Conference!

