OTCBTC Introduces Merchant Plans

Published in
3 min readDec 6, 2018

Since OTCBTC launch, we gained a wealth of cryptocurrency experience and became one of the best platforms with great user-interface, easy for newbies and highest security. By popular demand, we introduced OTCBTC Merchant Plans to provide better service and more efficient trading experience. These plans are designed for everyone, including Professional Plan, Team Plan, Enterprise Plan.

What’s the best plan for you?

Professional Plan is for personal users with high trading volume. The withdrawal limit is 1.5 times as normal users.

Team Plan is for merchants or teams with multiple members. The withdrawal limit is twice as normal users and 2 additional member verification can be added.

Enterprise Plan is for teams or companies with high trading volume, more team members and even more withdrawal need. The withdrawal limit is 5 times as normal users. 5 additional members verification can be added.

On top of that, we provide exclusive express withdrawal solution for Team and Enterprise Plan users.

What are the benefits of upgrading?

It’s still zeo offer fee for normal users. The trading limit remains the same.

There are different benefits for each plan when you post an offer. Higher level users will have a higher trading and withdrawal limit, support more ongoing offers, lower trading fee and faster withdrawal. Check out the details here:

How to upgrade?

Click ‘New Merchant Plan’ and apply. The token cost for your plan will be deducted before upgrading.

How to setup team members?

Team Plan supports 3 verified members including yourself. Enterprise Plan supports 6 verified members including yourself. You can setup in ‘Setting’. Click here for a tutorial How to add verified members?

Post offers and place orders with multiple members:

Beta users’ feedbacks:

Jim: So much faster to withdraw! Perfect for arbitrage.

Jack: Premium ad placement with Enterprise Plan brings in so much more business!

Ray: The rules are very reasonable and great for merchants. Merchant badge makes us more trustworthy. Users are a lot more patient with us now.

Mike: Clearly it’s beneficial for merchants. Higher level users are getting better service!

Chan: Multiple team member support is finally here. Not just more secure, but it’s also more efficient for team arbitrage.

Upgrade to Merchant Plan Now:

To let more users experience the benefits of Merchant Plans, OTCBTC introduces a trial plan for our loyal users

Mi1 and Mi2 members or normal users with over 3 million trading volume will get a 30-days Professional Plan trial.
Verified Merchant with under 40 million trading volume will get a one-year Team Plan trial from the day it’s verified.
Verified Merchant with over 40 million trading volume will get a one-year Professional Plan trial from the day it’s verified.

Click here to upgrade and experience these powerful features!

Thank you for supporting OTCBTC!

2018 / 12 / 05

