OTCBTC Weekly Report #1

Published in
2 min readMay 18, 2018


Listed Projects

1. BCAT is listed on Crypto Exchange and OTC Market.

Tokens are listed recently

1. CTXC is listed on Crypto Exchange and OTC Market.
2. CPS is listed on Crypto Exchange and OTC Market.
3. Sharder (SS) is listed on Crypto Exchange.
4. eosDAC/ETH pair is opened.

Operation and Promotion

The Woman Powering Bitcoin — Xdite Cheng” has been published on Youtube.

This is an excellent interview with OTCBTC CEO Xdite Cheng.

Blockchain documentary: The Extreme Life of A Coder has been published on “Coins in hand” Chinese Wechat official account and Youku.

Campaigns & Promos

Twitter EOS Lottery Has Now Concluded.

Thanks for your participation in our Twitter EOS Lottery from 2018/05/06–2018/05/12.

Link: https://twitter.com/otcbtc/status/993277671751565312

We have randomly selected the following five winners:


Lottery video: https://twitter.com/otcbtc/status/995573976100364288

Congratulations! We will give you the price in next few days. Make sure you have created an EOS wallet in your OTCBTC account.

New Features

An individual account can be now upgraded to an OTCBTC Enterprise Account. Please contact our online customer service to obtain the application form.

OTF (EOS) is now available


OTCBTC OTC App: Added registration/login puzzle authentication.
My Account: Funds Beneficiary is a unique service offered by OTCBTC to ensure you are always in control of your funds under any circumstances. We have implemented the messaging feature to allow users leave a message to beneficiaries.

