Boolean Search Technique

Patrick Mckay
Published in
4 min readJun 9, 2019

When you are using Google to do DD on your tickers (or anything), using boolean search is the absolute best way to boil down your results to the data that is meaningful to you. Let’s try an example from our classic bitcoin watchlist video:

Basic Google Search (try it):

If I were looking for Bitcoin stocks, my default move would be just typing Bitcoin stock into google. The results I have been given are beyond generic:

It looks like I need to get more specific, so I could type Bitcoin stock OTC:

You can see that it has only provided me one stock on the OTC, and that stock has dominated the entire page of google results so I need to dig deeper. Maybe “bitcoin” is too generic. So I will now create a search using an AND/OR operator for an OTC stock with things bitcoin related. Remember, the AND or the OR must be capitalized for the operator to work correctly.

I have still received GBTC and some pump site about stocks to watch for 2019 (lol). Where on earth could I find a place that only talks about stocks trading on the OTC? Could I only search within that site? I know a great one! Should I go to and look for bitcoin? No because it is still easier to search that site on Google. Now I will add a site operator to my AND/OR operator. The site operator will NOT include the “WWW” and looks like this: (remember no space after the site:). My boolean search is now: (bitcoin OR crypto OR blockchain)

Suddenly I am beginning to find tickers other than GBTC and am able to see some filings. The issue with these filings is that there are a bunch of dry PDFs that may or may not be useful. I also worry that my AND/OR operator is limiting me, is there a part of the site that gives me a general overview of tickers? Yes.

Note the URL for the part of the web page that includes company profiles, So I want to ask google to provide me crypto related tickers on pages that have the description within.

I will not use an AND/OR operator here since I will take any combination of bitcoin buzzwords here. My search is now: bitcoin crypto blockchain

BINGO! We have now found a list of tickers on OTCMarkets that have one of those things in their news, description, filings, etc. while avoiding the dry PDF files on

Now let’s say I was a real crypto purist, a real fanatic and I can’t stand blockchain (is that a thing?). Well I have to subtract the term blockchain from my search! I will not look at it!!!! Now you use a subtraction operator which is simply the minus key on my keyboard. My boolean search is now: bitcoin crypto -blockchain

I only get two results now, and since I am typing this sentence in character as a crypto purist I am happy to have finally found what I wanted. I was able to take my search for bitcoin tickers from a mess of news articles to 2 tickers that I want. Nice.

Remember the minus (-) indicator is your best way to keep boiling down results and cutting out unnecessary results or cluttered results.

