Looking at the future of Filing:re

Dario Vaccaro
Published in
4 min readApr 16, 2020

This story was originally published on Filingre.com Check out the best live penny stock filing scanner on the Internet.

Over the past three years Filingre has grown from a simple directory site to a massive information hub. Thousands of Lines of code later we have positioned Filingre to be far more than we ever thought it could be. Now that the third official release of Filingre has been launched, we would like to take a look at what the future of Filingre looks like.

🗃 Updated Filters

Filingre was built and designed with the utmost focus on User Experience (UX). However, sometimes features need to be launched quickly and some of the UX polish is lost in translation.

We feel this way about our current filter system. Currently we have two types of filters. One’s you can see on the Markets page and the button clutter that exists on the scanner pages.

We would like to unify these two systems to make it easier on the eye and better for users to quickly find what they’re looking for.

Once we fix any inevitable issues with our January 2020 launch, we plan to go full steam ahead on deploying an updated filtering system with even more options.

📱 Mobile App

We hear you loud and clear! For many months we have promised a full featured mobile app for iOS and Android. Unfortunately, we still have a lot of work to do.

Launching an app takes a lot of time and we want to make sure we do it right. Adding stock profiles was one of the first steps to creating the necessary infrastructure for our mobile platform. With that done, we are free to continue developing our app for iOS first and Android.

Initially we thought we could launch the app in late 2019 but that was no longer possible due to many other updates we have to make to the site in that time. Currently we are targeting a late Q1 to early Q2 launch this year and we will keep everyone updated along the way.

Thank you for your patience!

📑 Filings

With the Filingre 3.0 launch we began a new journey into providing historical financial and research data. Right now, there is no other place to get all of the most important filings in one location to look at. However, you still need to keep your eyes on another program to see updated pps, level 2 and time+sales data.

If you’re outside the US or don’t use a broker that offers these tools in a quality way, you are stuck paying a lot to get access to said features. We’ve been in negotiations with a few providers over the past year to supply this financial data. While we don’t have anything to offer now, we are looking at the best and most cost effective way to get this information to you at a reasonable rate.

In typical Filingre fashion, we aren’t just going to slap this data on the site and call it a day. We have some plans to include some exclusive features around Level 2 and Time+Sales that would either be extremely costly elsewhere or don’t currently exist at all.

🗞 Newsletters

What’s a good website in 2020 without Newsletters? Now we aren’t talking about the spam laden trash that some of our industry peers send out. Instead we are looking at offering a few customizable options that our subscribers can get that will provide value and time savings to their trading day.

Be on the lookout for an announcement of these options later on in Q2 or Q3.

🧬 Secrets

There’s a lot of other amazing updates we could talk about but where’s the fun without some secrets? As our product evolves we are constantly taking your feedback and looking at how we can provide the best value to our customers.

There are some groundbreaking features we have on the roadmap for 2020 and 2021 that we guarantee nobody has even began to invent. We can only ask that you stay tuned to our blog and Twitter account for official announcements.

We hope your are as excited as we are for the future of Filingre and our family of products.

For the last 3 years, we are incredibly thankful for how you have taken us. We couldn’t do it without every single one of you who has subscribed, viewed and spread our vision of information for all.

Thank you from the bottom of our heart. ❤️

Check out https://www.otcre.com

