Photo by Davide Sibilio on Unsplash


Jean Campbell
Other Doors
Published in
1 min readAug 26, 2020


The rhythm of that hour

Before the heavens wake, how

Strong the grip of Midnight

Who hides intent, kidnaps

memory and kills

all confidence.

This easy turning hour should descend

familiar as the oldest friend, but she

Is unreliable and cold. She flirts, then stumbles in,

Then like childhood, is gone.

I sit in darkness and watch for her


We are not blind, but buzz

As insects drawing hints of circles on a pond

(We too are imperfections in the shifting ink) —

As the graying cleaves another waking sky

from a sleeping earth we wait, like summer

for the firefly.



Jean Campbell
Other Doors

Writer by day, reader by night, napper by afternoon.