My Hero

Maria O. Nwokeocha
Other Doors
Published in
1 min readJun 16, 2020

Photo: Alex Guillaume on Unsplash

Why write a short piece?
Shouldn’t I be writing an entire book?
A biography perhaps? How can a simple poem be enough?

The tales of the world’s best father
need an entire library —
This should be a heartfelt commendation
But I fear I’ll run dry of words
to describe you
your relentless zeal to always get better,
to make those in your care the best and
as comfortable as they can be in this world.

Sacrifice found a worthy ambassador in you

You could be tough
but who and what would I be without your toughness?
Silly me who always needed a wake up call — 
the world is not a place for the soft.

We are a ride or die pair
You nurtured me
and just as I came into this world
entrusted to the care of an angel
you will enjoy the rest of your years
in the hands of the angel you made.

