my rape poem.

Dita Durga
Other Doors
Published in
2 min readSep 2, 2020

I hate you.

I hope you contract disease

So you can feel what it’s like to have something

(that’s not you)

Eat you from the inside.

At the very least, I wish you suicide.

I didn’t know it then -

What it meant to have my wrists held down

What it meant to feel the jackhammering of a man I didn’t want

What it meant to not want and still receive

What it meant to see assault as another one night stand

What it meant to think “I ought to enjoy this”


I went on my own

I was drunk and texted him

I got in his uber

I went to his home

I slept in his bed

(with just my underwear on

conveniently on my stomach.)

But then I woke up when he got up

I heard the faucet running

Toothbrush scrubbing

And thought it strange to be brushing teeth so early.

I felt the bed move when he came back

I felt my underwear slide down to reveal the only part of me he saw-

a hole to put his dick in.

The spit he used for lube was cold

His breath was soulless.

It all took less than ten minutes.

“I don’t want sex, just to know you,” he said in text before

I remembered this when I wiped him off as best I could.

I said “I have a dog to feed,”

To the predator before me now

A lie to end this vicious tryst

Because a lie conceived it.

At home I realized I left behind a necklace holding gods I worshipped once

I needed to be absolved

So I went back.

To get them from the mailbox he said left them in

He didn’t want to see me again

And that crushed me

(If it were all a knife, this is where it twisted-

Still in victim

Waterfalls of blood

A gross reminder of the knife’s nature-

to harm)

I saw the hill the uber took us up the night before

The daylight showed me the hill’s shadows for the first time

I grabbed my shit and ran in tears

Sped back down the 101 to a shower that couldn’t wash him off me

So I searched for anything to make him disappear.

A few moons passed

And I thought I found it in the presence of a man

Who could never love me

But would tell his friends I “get it” without ever explaining what it is I “get”

A man who brought me in

To home and family

Who made me feel heard

But made clear he never listened

A man who entered my life to swiftly exit with no remorse.

It all felt less than 10 minutes.

And so I ran again in tears

This time leaving behind the gods I worshipped once.



Dita Durga
Other Doors

New to writing. Hoping to create and devour some rad shit on here.