My Toxic Lover

Maria O. Nwokeocha
Other Doors
Published in
1 min readJun 24, 2020

Photo: Anthony Tran on Unsplash

With its seductive appearance
And alluring promises
Doubt lured me into its crib
And gradually consumed my mind
Till I could think of none other
Than this beautiful toxic creature
Could count on none other
Than the promise of my two-faced lover
Of safety yet fear, seclusion and restraint.

Eager to be untangled from my jealous lover
I ran away and fell into the hands of aggression
Then the hands of hatred, then theft, then perversion
But worse of all, the hands of deception
Who came in a dazzling angelic appearance
But was no more than the devil coated with glitter
So I found my way back to the arms of my old lover
Where I found solace with my life long partner

