Out of Prison

Other Doors
Published in
2 min readAug 25, 2018
Hanoi Hilton

It was the beginning to the end of a long nightmare; the dream continued for two years. Then he woke up and looked around, awake in the dream, lucid in reality, he opened the door and stepped into the other side of the world for the first time in years.

Mentally, artistically locked up for nearly ten years. There are many reasons, a list of explanations. The details are hidden in suppressed memories- impossible to recall chronologically.

Even before the nightmare began, life had always been a series of bad dreams, drug-induced hallucinations, drunken machinations, fatherless vacations; all the experiences in between were moments of clarity, sobriety or joy. Mostly he remembered the pain.

On the other side there is no pain. I’ve been there before, but today, now I am here again. Marking a new experience without the aide of a substance to fuel an entrance. It is here I shall remain, until my dying days.

The lock had exploded into a nebula of portals and he was free to travel, maybe not painlessly, but without fear. Ready to accept the dream of life for the rest of his years. Not even the portal he came from was closed- free to come and go as he pleased. The door might close behind him, but the lock had shattered into infinite atoms. Now there were no sides, only an eternity of doors. Some of them open, others locked from the inside.

