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Other Doors
Other Doors
From haiku to hefty memoirs - poems, stories and essays that break through the bullshit. Looking for pieces that go far beyond cliché to uncover a new realm of possibilities. Other Doors features writing that leaves the reader with genuine congenital reactions.
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Other Doors Best of June, Haiku Challenge and Other Silly Shit

Other Doors Monthly Highlights for May, 2020

Delivery to your virtual doorstep…

The Best of Other Doors

Like a Red Rider BB Gun under the old coniferous tree (or maybe we’re more of a fucking bunny suit), Other Doors…

The Best of Other Doors

I really cannot begin to explain what an absolute fucking joy it was to go back through all the great poems, stories…

Other Doors Last Call

for submissions for the December 14 “Holiday Issue” — Stories & Thoughts About…

Other Doors New Stories

Plus Call For Submissions — Stories & Thoughts About Holidays — and upcoming…