The Elusive Existence of Temporary Relief

Other Doors
Published in
3 min readOct 13, 2018

I focus on this ball of energy, observe the thoughts until my eyes feel like they will explode. Words burst through the darkness onto the white pages. Black on white. Dark thoughts stain the pages and release something inside. Now that they can be seen clearly, they can be forgotten. Let the world decide how to decipher it, or not. It doesn’t matter anymore. It’s no longer a part of me. What is released allows the energy to grow. Hopefully, making the world a little bit better, even if it is a bit selfish of me to dump my problems on a page for other people to read just so I can feel better. At least on person does. If I can free myself from torment and suffering then maybe I can free others by continuing to give the world something to read. Even if no one cares about it, I’ve done something I needed to do.

It’s a different type of meditation, one where anyone can participate and get a little bit of relief, like waking up with a cool head. It’s a temporary relief, but nonetheless welcome in any case. A temporary pause in this existence. Not worrying anymore about everyday experiences that never seem to go away. When the cycle breaks for one, everyone can step out of samsara for a moment. It’s enough to last through the day sometimes. Sometimes it might be all we need for the present moment to look at life and see that all these problems we face each day are only temporary and will go away at some point.

If we wake up for a single second in this life it can be enough to last long enough to make small changes that can totally redirect us to climb out of any dark hole that exists in our mind. Because that’s all it is. That’s all there ever was. I was always in our minds and we always say that, but we rarely understand it. We can say it all we want, but it doesn’t matter if we don’t know what it even means.

We wake up to dream of being alive and realize that we can control all this, as far as our individual minds are concerned. Some people choose to enact hate on others, this is their choice and their minds are shaping their own realities. This doesn’t necessary mean that they have the power to shape anyone else’s. The power of the mind of one individual can overcome the power of influence of others.

So, we go to sleep and wake up in the morning, often with a begrudging feeling of doing a basic task. Meanwhile, someone else is going to sleep thinking about the next day and maybe crying themselves to sleep. The strength of that person that decides to go ahead and turn on the faucet in morning rather lie in bed can be enough to give another something they need that day. One overcomes defeat by being defeated. Another finds a solace of thought to overpower insomnia and rest for just a moment, long enough to wake up with an ounce of determination and complete a simple task.

I have completed this simple task.

