The Five Most Useful Inventions That Should Never Have Been Invented

Spoiler, money is not number one

Josie ElBiry
Other Doors


They are tucked away somewhere in the Book of Revelations, in the Lost Quatrains of Nostradamus. Now, we can see with sharp relief the damage done, and the human race may not make it but for some serious soul searching. These five retardants to human evolution all started out as Eureka! moments, but they have proven themselves to be nothing more than barnacles, eating through the keel boards of civilization.

Number Five: the smart phone

It is built for communication, yet damages the nuance of spoken language. It connects the entire planet and simutaneously isolates human beings from one another.

Marketing still presents a veneer of smiling faces and connection with loved ones around the world, but we are indelibly scarred by spending the last ten years having our necks craned down toward a screen. This pocket-sized wonder has tricked all of humanity into believing that no one is complete without one, yet the smart phone is baked with a leavening of human deficiencies. Insecurity, aggression and vanity used to be cured with valium, but the smart phone has folded these ingredients into a Dutch oven of anonymity, and we are not better for it.



Josie ElBiry
Other Doors

3x Top Writer “This Happened to Me”. Creative nonfiction, short fiction and poetry. Thank you for reading.