The Only One Left

Poem questions Nature and Nurture through a flower that will not die.

Erin Ryan Burdette
Other Doors


Photo courtesy of Erin’s iPhone

You there — yes, you
baked in million-degree
Texas heat
you have no business
being alive
out here
proud here
decorated with
this morning’s rain
first in months
water kissing petals soft
drops hanging on
for dear life
white and delicate
green loved leaves
finally a drink
out of the sky
delivered and received
just you now
the rest buried
the only one.
Supposed to be so fragile.

Photo by Stella de Smit on Unsplash

You were part of a garden, yo
planted in spring
multiple rows
carefully planted
white petal
hot pink center
a cheerful naïve
waste of cash
they honestly…



Erin Ryan Burdette
Other Doors

Freelance writer of plays/short stories/poetry/narrative non-fiction; lover of humor, chocolate, pratfalls, my children (in no particular order..).