The Symptoms of Anxiety You Won’t See on Television

I am so grateful for the education I have received in the last eight years. It gives me the ability to inform and assuage at the same time.

Josie ElBiry
Other Doors


Photo: Google Advanced Images:

Trust me, people don’t really know what anxiety is

Television programming has long-employed a list of cheap tricks to script mental illness for those without sea legs.

You have anxiety?”

With inflection and all, I know what comes next.

“Never would have known it. You’re so funny/cool/outgoing/confident.”

Anxiety is symptomatic deep below the paved skin. Most won’t get beyond the crust to catch a glimpse of the mantle, so they are shocked to discover that I take medication to ensure my neural synapses operate normally.

Television has spent sixty years navigating an ocean of potential viewers. The goal is to exact a connection with the most people at one time. As such, television programming has long-employed a list of cheap tricks to script mental illness for those without sea legs: incessant smoking; making chains from pop tabs/gum wrappers; black makeup around the…



Josie ElBiry
Other Doors

3x Top Writer “This Happened to Me”. Creative nonfiction, short fiction and poetry. Thank you for reading.