The Best Leaders Stand In The Way Of The Bad Stuff

And make sure something better starts.

Jessica Donahue, PHR
Other Duties Assigned


The Best Leaders Stand in The Way Of The Bad Stuff and make sure something better starts.
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

Have you heard the adage, “sh*t rolls downhill?” It means that whatever unpleasant thing is happening at the top of any chain of command will inevitably “roll downhill” impacting everyone down to the entry-level.

Nowhere is this more true than at work.

The boss has a bad day, he lashes out at his direct reports, and they subsequently lash out at each of their direct reports after that.

Or, your boss doesn’t respect your time, so you don’t feel the need to respect your team’s time either. If you have to stay late, so should they.

Or, the CEO behaves unprofessionally with you, so you behave unprofessionally with your team, as well. If you have to deal with it, so should they.

And so the sh*t rolls downhill.

I’ve worked with managers who seem to think that treating their teams with the same level of disrespect that their current or former bosses treated them with is some sort of rite of passage.

It’s almost as if they believe their employees don’t deserve to find success without first overcoming the very same obstacles they faced.



Jessica Donahue, PHR
Other Duties Assigned

Fractional HR & People Ops for Startups & Early Stage Companies