What’s Nokia N9 and why it still matters today.

Brief history of the Nokia N9, a device that you probably did’t bought, but that anticipated in 2011 many of the ‘revolutionary’ UI solutions and innovations you are using on your iPhone.

Giovanni Minelli
Jolla-Devices bulletin


Rev. 1.5 — Dec 2018

Magenta, cyan, black models. There is also a white rare color.


Steve Jobs and iPhone 2G in 2007

The smartphone market begun in 2007, when Steve Jobs’s presented a new kind of device, with one side completely reconfigurable for both the interface to content: the iPhone. (applause!).

Since then there have been just over 10 years, and we have passed through generations of hardware, gradually getting better and with more and larger displays. This using an iterative and so slow method.


Where there was not much variety was the appearance of the software or the operating system. From the point of view of the mainstream public, after iOS, we have seen it coming Android, copied from them to the legal limits.
Then there was also the Windows Mobile, widely publicised, but — fortunately —…



Giovanni Minelli
Jolla-Devices bulletin

Art director & Designer. Writing about Apple, alternative OS, marketing and photography • www.minodesign.it