(UPDATED due to Closure) Welcome to Otherworlds

Published in
3 min readAug 11, 2016


Per the info here, Otherworlds is closed to new submissions and I am unable to reply to new inquiries. The following original piece is left up as a sort of remembrance of the good times. Cheers.


Otherworlds is a community-focused publication for enthusiasts and supporters of fantasy and science fiction.

The purposes of Otherworlds are:

  1. To provide a fun, accessible community of interest for people who appreciate writing and reading fantasy and science fiction.
  2. To encourage fantasy and science fiction writers, of any level of experience, to explore, enjoy, and improve their craft through engagement with others.
  3. To foster a greater appreciation of fantasy and science fiction on Medium and beyond.


Who can publish pieces on Otherworlds?

Anyone may publish on Otherworlds provided (s)he agrees to the following “Pub Rules”:

  • Pieces should fit within the subjects of fantasy or science fiction.
  • Otherworlds’ writers must post in a respectful manner that honors the purposes of the publication.
  • Pieces that read like “marketing spam” or do not respect the purposes of the publication will not be published.


Who can join Otherworlds as a writer?

Anyone may join Otherworlds as a writer as long as (s)he agrees to the “Pub Rules.” ;) If you agree and would like to be added as a writer, please leave me (Tessa) a comment to that effect on this piece, and I will happily arrange your induction.

Special notes to writers:

  • You are more than welcome to submit fiction for the community’s enjoyment and feedback. Please also feel free to submit pieces that are not fictional, e.g. your thoughts on the genres, favorite authors or topics, recommendations, questions, or things you just want to bounce off the rest of us. Let’s strive to make Otherworlds an interesting and inviting creative community.
  • Please remember to subscribe, if Medium does not automatically do that when you’re added as a writer.
  • Some of you may be added as writers based on your earlier interest. Thank you, founders!


Who is the editor of Otherworlds?

For now the editor is yours truly. Please be advised this is my first time acting as “editor,” so it might take me a while to figure out all the thingamajigs. I’ll probably need to ask folks for advice from time to time. So I appreciate your patience and understanding!

As editor I will look through each piece to check that it meets “Pub Rules.” If it does, I will publish it. I do not plan to do any technical editing or correcting. If you’re seeking more technical advice on your pieces, please pose the request to the Otherworlds community at large, and I’m sure we will help as best we can.


Thank you for your interest in Otherworlds!

I very much hope you will join us as a writer and/or subscriber. :)





Thinking & writing on a hodgepodge. Artsier stuff’s at https://medium.com/poi-holloi. Per Medium my ‘top stories’ list has a ‘bug’.