Bitcoin:The Best Investment of the Decade?

Vygness Labracus
5 min readDec 11, 2019
  • When compared to the world’s top 10 companies in terms of capital quantum, Bitcoin’s increase in value is the highest with a return of USD 9.2 million on a USD 100 investment.
  • Amazon, Apple and Visa are the only three companies with a return percentage of more than 1,000% (3,156%, 2,345% and 1,597% respectively)
  • China’s Alibaba had the worst-performing stock, with a return of only USD 208 on the initial investment.

As per an analysis from, Bitcoin’s value in the past 10 years has increased the most when compared to the top 10 largest firms in terms of market capitalization. As seen in the graph, an investment of a mere USD 100 just 10 years ago would now be worth approximately USD 9.2 million. In comparison, the same investment in Amazon’s stock would stand at USD 3,300 today. In spite of the recent bearish trend, Bitcoin saw a whopping 9,150,088% increase in price.

It is also important to note here that the price of Bitcoin is more volatile than the stocks of other companies. In perspective, Bitcoin’s price ranged from USD 20,000 in late 2017 to USD 3,500 in late November. In contrast, the stock prices of some of the other firms has also fluctuated significantly, however the fluctuation in amount is far less substantial than that of Bitcoin. This relative stability in price is associated to the predictive nature of these firms’ business models and structures, something which is not possible when it comes to Bitcoin.

Bitcoin has also faced a lot of backlash and criticism in the past few years, swaying off potential investors. This flak and volatile nature coupled with Bitcoin’s surge in price have indeed made the art of investing in Bitcoin seem a highly precarious endeavor.

Store of value

One of the long-term arguments for bitcoin is that, unlike stocks and bonds whose prices are often highly sensitive to the decisions of central banks and governments, the cryptocurrency is independent of sovereign authorities. Instead, it’s governed by fixed policies that are hard-coded into the underlying network, and therefore difficult to change.

Under those rules, the supply of bitcoin is capped at 21 million, so it won’t be prone to inflation like developed-market currencies such as the U.S. dollar, euro and yen might be if their respective central banks resorted to more money-printing as a way of stimulating their economies.

Indeed, President Donald Trump, running for reelection in 2020, has repeatedly called for steeper interest-rate cuts by the Federal Reserve, while accusing China of artificially pushing down the value its currency, the yuan, to get an unfair advantage in international trade.

Many cryptocurrency proponents characterize bitcoin as Gold 2.0 — essentially a newer, technologically improved and more portable form of the precious metal, viewed since ancient times as a reliable store of value.

“Bitcoin is slowly becoming digital gold, but it’s not there yet,” said Qiao Wang, New York-based Messari’s head of product.

However, many blockchain and crypto project unlike Bitcoin’s surge in price due to lack of innovation and value creation. A project without any innovation and value creation will definitely fail. Fortunately, we (Otium Luxury Brands )have successfully run our luxury brand business and now are combining our expertise and resources with the blockchain technology to provide stable and seamless cryptocurrency payment experience to our OLX token holders. Our applications of smart contracts in finance, real estate and IT will disrupt those markets and solve the existing problems. Our unique business model will be powered by innovation and value creation. With the technology and model innovation, we are able to create value for ourselves and for our investors by increasing the value of OLX tokens.

We (Otium Luxury Brands)have designed two different approaches to increase the value of OLX tokens.

The first is to provide more valuable services with OLX tokens. As the service value increases, OLX’s value will also increase and it will get mass adopted as well. The Luxury Brands business is the company’s main business that has been operating before, so stable OLX token payment service is possible. As we’ve mentioned before, we will tackle the tech problems and make sure the transaction with OLX token is stable and seamless. Therefore, token holders can use OLX as payment method to buy our luxury brands. We will keep on expanding our online and offline cooperation with the brands.

We(Otium Luxury Brands) will also increase the liquidity and value of OLX by implement it in the foreign exchange market. For FX & CFD trading services, the financial hedge fund business and real estate alternative investment business will begin in 2020, making it the largest growth model of the OLX token ecosystem, which will increase the value of OLX tokens. We already have a global group of financial investment experts and real estate experts, and we will continue to increase the value of the OLX token and expand the ecosystem.

The second is to increase the value of the company. The business we are focusing on is FX & CFD Exchange, Hedge funds, Real estate, Entertainment, and IT that can apply blockchain smart contract technology. We will expand our portfolio and look for real estate investment opportunities in mature markets such as South Korea and Japan in East Asia, while exploring real estate investment opportunities that can expect significant value increases in emerging markets in Southeast Asia. We have already verified our achievements and perspectives as a real estate alternative investment expert through partnerships, etc., and combined our capabilities with blockchain smart contracts to condition the clauses that require mutual confirmation in real estate contracts, etc.

In addition, we (Otium Luxury Brands)plan to provide such services that rent can be automatically paid in OLX tokens. The K-Culture content industry, including K-POP, has already proved its competitiveness in the world. We have established a mutual business agreement with Dong-Tong Co., Ltd., which has solidified its position in the Korean commercial film market and is continuously growing, and is ready to minimize risks and maximize value creation through transparent contracts based on Smart Contracts. What’s more, we will provide K-Culture contents that we invested to be easily used by OLX token holders in connection with mobile payment service, and to secure copyrights on K-Culture contents in connection with Smart Contract. Lastly, the company plans to invest in VR/AR in IT to create a virtual ecosystem where OLX tokens can be used by combining blockchain technology and mobile payment services in virtual and augmented reality. The company will continue to invest some of its revenue each year in potential new businesses to increase its value.

The luxury business is guaranteed as it is a major portfolio of our existing business, and the FX & CFD Hong Kong exchange business will be the largest growth model of the OLX token ecosystem by launching the financial hedge fund business and real estate alternative investment business in 2020. We(Otium Luxury Brands) already have our own top-tier group of financial investment experts and real estate experts, and through this part, we continue to set the value of the OLX token and the expansion of the ecosystem as our future vision. OLX Token users will be able to join the OLX Absolute Return Fund with global top yields and share their return on investment through OLX Tokens.

