Other Famous Filipino-Americans Besides Ernesto from AMZN

Does everyone know October is Fil-Am History Month?

Marmi Le
Otrivia Rodrigo


Photo by Ann Arbor T-Shirt Company at https://www.amazon.com/Ernesto-Friend-Family-Support-T-shirt/dp/B07PDXKXLF

Amazon has been getting a really bad rap especially lately; I don’t think I need to tell you all the myriad reasons (*cough* phallic spaceship *cough* warehouse employees needing to wear Depends *cough* etc.). Which is why it was a magaling stroke of genius when they debuted on national TV their commercial featuring former employee turned nurse Ernesto. Who doesn’t love a Filipino nurse?! Especially a male one — you don’t see them as often as the females. Speaking for myself,

this Filipina-American’s heart swelled with pride at the positive representation of my peeps.

If you are Filipino but don’t have at least one nurse in your family, then I’m sorry but there’s something wrong. My family is chockablock with them, I mean I can count off the top of my head 6 straightaway, but I’m sure I must be missing some. And if you’re Filipino but not a nurse, then you are at least somehow involved in healthcare, because we are internationally renowned for being hella caring. I’ve got relatives in dentistry and optometry, and even I am tangentially employed in the industry as a data analyst/business intelligence developer, have been for two decades when you add it…



Marmi Le
Otrivia Rodrigo

Data nerd for longer than Gen Z has been alive, mom, and former Jeopardy contestant https://j-archive.com/showgame.php?game_id=2835