Scaling the impact of innovation and research: A call to action from the Global South

OTT Annual Review 2021–2022
1 min readMay 5, 2022

OTT Consulting has been working for the last couple of years with a group of researchers and innovators from the Global South and the International Development Research Centre Canada to explore scaling impact.

Scaling impact is about ensuring that new and existing solutions are used to their fullest potential.

What we find is that too often good ideas, research or innovations go underutilised. Sometimes even before delivering impact the programme ends and funders move on. Or positive impact that is achieved isn’t then delivered at optimal scale.

OTT facilitated a scalingXchange as a series of online sessions that led to the drafting a publishing this year of a call to action for funders, co-authored by researchers and practitioners from the Global South.

The call to action as a first step in building a community of funders, implementers, researchers and innovators with a shared vision: a world in which Southern innovation and research lead to sustainable and equitable impact for the public good at optimal scale.

It recommends eight actions for funders to transform how they support efforts to scale impact.




OTT Annual Review 2021–2022

OTT is a global consultancy and platform for change supporting better informed decision making.