Closing remarks with keynote listeners

OTT Conference 2021
1 min readJul 12, 2021


With Scarlett Varga (Bruegel, Belgium and the Brussels Binder) and Sherine Ghoneim (Economic Research Forum, Egypt)

From the chat box

I am not entirely sold on experimentation just for its own sake. Doing very classical think tank work remains entirely relevant. We saw this in the recent war in Nagorno Karabakh, where a handful of ‘distanced’ think tank scholars (yes, Chatham House, yes, Carnegie Endowment) were key in providing some perspective.

Resources and references

Six models for understanding impact

An interview with Peter Da Costa on evidence-informed policy and more

What were the keynote listeners reflecting on?

From think tank to change hub
Keynote by Anne-Marie Slaughter, CEO of New America

Parallel session 1: Changing think tanks
with Julia Pomares (CIPPEC, Argentina) and Karin von Hippel (RUSI, UK)

Parallel session 2: Think tanks and democratic transitions
with Sonja Stojanovic Gajic (former director BCSP, Serbia) and Ignacio Irarrázaval (Centro de Políticas Públicas UC, Chile)

Think tanking in the new normal
organised by the Think Tank Lab, facilitated by Weronika Perlinski (DGAP)

More on think tanks and change

How do think tanks react to or foster change?
Read the OTT Annual Review 2020–2021



OTT Conference 2021

OTT is a global consultancy and platform for change supporting better informed decision making.