Tiger Woods, how I have missed you..

The Return of Golf’s Biggest Feline Has Sparked Excitement

Otto Thoresen
3 min readOct 9, 2016


The game has not quite been the same since the Tiger’s fall.

Golf may have lost its greatest entertainer this month (R.I.P The King) but next week the game’s greatest player of all time is making his competitive return — step forward Tiger Woods (You heard me Jack).

That’s right, next week the veteran big cat is making his hotly anticipated return to the golfing world by teeing it up at the Safeway Open in Napa, California. I know what you’re thinking — “I’ve never heard of the Safeway Open in Napa?” — that’s ok, no one has heard of the Safeway Open in Napa, the only thing that matters is Tiger’s back.

It’s been over a year since Tiger last competed and oh how I’ve missed those unnecessary yet perfect club twirls, those roaring fist pumps, his steely eyed stares and his complete and utter hatred for anyone with a camera. Even the biggest Tiger haters (what’s wrong with you?) will admit that the world of golf is a far better place when Woods is fit and healthy splitting the fairways with those heavenly 2 iron stingers.

He even managed to make the Ryder Cup — the most exciting golf tournament in the world — more entertaining (and he wasn’t even playing). In fact, if I’m being honest I was more interested in watching Tiger Woods drive a buggy and strut up and down the fairways than some of the golf…..yes this article is bias and yes I know the Jack fans have already left.

When I wasn’t watching Tiger mingle with Paulina Gretzky there was actually some golf being played which was arguably reminiscent of the great man in his glory days, however the same cannot be said of the player celebrations — in particular a certain Rory McIlroy.
Tigers chip and celebration on the 16th green at Augusta is the stuff of legend, a moment that Rory seemed desperate to replicate

“Come onnnnn……….I can’t hear youuuuuuuuuuu”

he screamed, well the whole world can hear you Rory and it sounds f’ing awful. The only thing I can compare it to is the feeling I would imagine would arise watching Matthew Fitzpatrick play Arnold Schwarzenegger in the Austrian’s ‘Pumping Iron’ documentary. Rory’s growl simply doesn’t compare to Tiger’s roar.

I think we just lost the Rory fans.

It’s been a long year for the Tiger faithful but the wait is all but over and if the rumours are to be believed, that ever-changing golf swing is looking better than ever. Jesper Parnevik (remember him?!) has been quoted saying,

By the way, he’s been hitting a lot of balls, and he’s hitting it great. He’s pounding it a mile and flushing everything. On the range at least, his trajectory and ball flight are like the Tiger we knew 15 years ago“, and finished with “Comebacks are never a sure thing, but something tells me his might be spectacular”

Jesper you tease.

P.S Tiger that new beard looks sensational


