Let’s talk Urban Mobility

Francesca Pick
Published in
3 min readSep 19, 2016


As our population continues to grow and urbanise, it is ever more urgent for cities to be transformed from car-centric to human centric. Autonomy’s Urban Mobility Festival will gather innovators, policymakers and urbanites in Paris from October 6–9th to address this challenge.

The urban transportation industry is growing: most predictions have six billion people living in our cities by 2045. Countless new forms of moving around cities are emerging from carsharing, bike sharing to new types of personal mobility such as Segways and electric scooters, facilitated by multi-model transport apps. Driverless cars are on the rise and will soon cost less than $1/km, disrupting not only the car industry but other forms of mobility, such as walking.

Despite these innovations, we need to include the social consequences of new technology in the equation if we want the transition to new mobility to be a smooth one.

Innovators, commuters and governments need to work hand in hand to build better cities of tomorrow — Ross Douglas, CEO Autonomy

Autonomy has created an independent platform connecting innovators, commuters and governments to support the transition from car-centric to human centric behaviors and build better cities of tomorrow. 200 exhibitors and 20 000 visitors are expected in la Grande Halle de la Villette to discover the world’s most innovative mobility solutions.

A Conference Connecting Innovators, Commuters & Governments

To foster positive dialogue and engaged discussion around urban mobility issues, OuiShare and Autonomy are co-organizing four days of cutting-edge debates and workshops from October 6–9 with international thought leaders and startups from the mobility sector.

The mission: catalyze collaboration between European mobility players in creating a holistic multi-mobility offering that takes into account factors like health, happiness and street level retail.

Our international Speakers

… and many more! See all 40 speakers & program

Why Paris? Paris is at the heart of Europe, which is home to many of the world’s most liveable cities that can be explored by foot, bike, bus, car, tram or train thanks to sophisticated transport networks. As the leading manufacturer of these types of mobility, Europe has the opportunity to lead the way in developing holistic urban mobility solutions — that go beyond web apps.

Join us!

Whether you’re a policy-maker, a manufacturer, a start-up, or a distributor, Autonomy is where we would like to build the future of urban mobility together. There’s still time to get your tickets!

>>See the full program & tickets

Conference tickets include invitations to the VIP opening of the exhibition on Thursday 06.10., at 18.00. All sessions at the conference will take place both in English and French.

Originally published at magazine.ouishare.net on September 19, 2016.



Francesca Pick

Experimenting the future of organizations and collaborative governance @ Greaterthan, OuiShare & Enspiral. Co-founder OuiShareFest, steward of Cobudget.