
An earthquake hit London!

Damian Clarke
Our Albion


A golden skull shining against a dark background — read to the end of the piece and it will all become clear!
(Photo by Luke Southern on Unsplash)

It seems the done thing for anyone with a website and an audience of one to write up their experience of the earthquake.

Unfortunately I didn’t notice — although I do remember not sleeping well. I shall resort to the coverage of others.

Johnny’s experience was particularly profound — you can read about it here.

And The Guardian’s coverage was particularly insightful. I reproduce one of the comments from that page here, for your benefit:

Some jiffy bags were dislodged from some high shelving in our office. I can only thank God that no one was standing underneath at the time.


Most of the press coverage has been collections of experiences submitted by readers on the ground (or in their beds). Most of them didn’t immediately think that it was an earthquake. Their theories, IN ORDER OF POPULARITY, were:

  1. Poltergeist activity
  2. Wind
  3. Terrorism
  4. A train going by
  5. Their house spontaneously falling down

That’s right. Poltergeist activity.


Copyright © Damian Clarke 2021, first published on the Our Albion blog, February 27th, 2008 under Oh Shit!, London life



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