A Look Back, then forward

On this day in 1790…

Stacey Post
Our Caucus
2 min readJan 9, 2016


George Washington gave the first State of the Union.

Washington is one of my favorite presidents. He and Martha had their anniversary this week and I was WAY too excited (HW - one of my other favorites - and Barbara Bush did too. 71 years!).

President Obama’s last State of the Union is fast approaching. This time next year will be our new president’s inaugural address.

The question now is who it will be.

This week I went to a John Kasich event and Rand Paul’s birthday party.

Both were interesting. Kasich’s was more a question and answer at a coffee shop. Paul’s was an event at a restaurant and bar to celebrate his birthday, complete with a jumbo card signed by supporters and a huge cake to share.

The caucus is not very long from now. Now is the time to go to these events for ALL the candidates and choose which one you think would be best for the country.

Can’t wait to hear next year’s speech.



Stacey Post
Our Caucus

I was summoned by my country, whose voice I can never hear but with veneration and love. Our liberties we prize and our rights we will maintain. Lets get fiscal